Commit 0a8fae3e authored by Benjamin Becker's avatar Benjamin Becker
Browse files

ricean fading

parent 26fb493b
......@@ -611,7 +611,6 @@ public class Ieee80211AdHocMac extends AbstractMacLayer {
if (link.isConnected()) {
WifiState recMacState = recMac.getWifiState();
WifiMode dataMode = rateManager.getUnicastDataMode(recMac
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.views.wifi.phy.PropagationLossModel;
import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology.placement.RandomPositionDistributionCircle;
import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Randoms;
import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Time;
import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.component.sensor.location.Location;
......@@ -65,6 +66,9 @@ public class LogDistancePropagationLossModelNormalDistribution
private double referenceDistance = 1;
private Random random = Randoms
* Frequency in Hz<br>
* Default 2,4 GHz
......@@ -79,73 +83,123 @@ public class LogDistancePropagationLossModelNormalDistribution
* The reference Loss
private double referenceLoss = 20
* Math.log10(4 * Math.PI * referenceDistance / lambda);
private HashMap<Location, HashMap<Location, Double>> pathLosses = new HashMap<>();
private HashMap<Double, Double> pathLosses0 = new HashMap<>();
long lastSave = -1;
private HashMap<Double, Double> pathLossesWithShadowing = new HashMap<>();
long nextSave = -1;
static double avg = 0;
static int count = 0;
static double sum = 0, sumh = 0;
public double getRxPowerDbm(double txPowerDbm, Location a, Location b) {
double distance = a.distanceTo(b);
double distance = a.distanceTo(b);
if (distance <= referenceDistance) {
return txPowerDbm;
double rxc;
if (Time.getCurrentTime() / Time.SECOND > lastSave) {
// reset after 100 (nanoseconds)
if ((Time.getCurrentTime()) > nextSave) {
pathLosses = new HashMap<>();
lastSave = Time.getCurrentTime() / Time.SECOND;
nextSave = (Time.getCurrentTime() / 100L) * 100L + 100L;
HashMap<Location, Double> pathlossesA;
HashMap<Location, Double> lossAndFadings;
if (!pathLosses.containsKey(a)) {
pathlossesA = new HashMap<>();
pathLosses.put(a, pathlossesA);
}else {
pathlossesA = pathLosses.get(a);
lossAndFadings = new HashMap<>();
pathLosses.put(a, lossAndFadings);
} else {
lossAndFadings = pathLosses.get(a);
if (pathlossesA.containsKey(b)) {
rxc = pathlossesA.get(b);
if (lossAndFadings.containsKey(b)) {
rxc = lossAndFadings.get(b);
} else {
double pathLoss0;
if (pathLosses0.containsKey(distance)) {
pathLoss0 = pathLosses0.get(distance);
}else {
pathLoss0 = 10 * exponent * Math.log10(distance / referenceDistance);
pathLosses0.put(distance, pathLoss0);
// random seed, based on sender/receiver position
long positionBasedRandomSeed = (((((((((((((((long) a
.getLatitudeOrY() % 776531419) * (long) b.getLatitudeOrY()
% 776531419) * (long) a.getLongitudeOrX() % 776531419)
* (long) b.getLongitudeOrX() % 776531419)
* (long) a.getLatitudeOrY() % 776531419)
* (long) b.getLatitudeOrY() % 776531419)
* (long) a.getLongitudeOrX() % 776531419)
* (long) b.getLongitudeOrX() % 776531419)
* (long) a.getLatitudeOrY() % 776531419)
* (long) b.getLatitudeOrY() % 776531419)
* (long) a.getLongitudeOrX() % 776531419)
* (long) b.getLongitudeOrX() % 776531419)
* (long) a.getLatitudeOrY() % 776531419)
* (long) a.getLongitudeOrX() % 776531419);
// random seed, based on time
long timeBasedRandomSeed = (((((nextSave * nextSave % 512927377)
* nextSave % 512927377) * nextSave % 512927377) * nextSave
% 512927377) * nextSave % 512927377);
double pathLossWithShadowing;
if (pathLossesWithShadowing.containsKey(distance)) {
pathLossWithShadowing = pathLossesWithShadowing.get(distance);
} else {
// random which is constant for a pair of nodes; links are
// symmetric
Random r1 = new Random(positionBasedRandomSeed);
Random r = new Random(positionBasedRandomSeed / 2 + r1.nextLong() / 2);
double shadowFading = r.nextGaussian() * 5;
double pathLoss = 10 * exponent
* Math.log10(distance / referenceDistance);
pathLossWithShadowing = pathLoss + shadowFading;
pathLossesWithShadowing.put(distance, pathLossWithShadowing);
double x = Double.hashCode(Double.hashCode(a.getLatitudeOrY()) / 4.
+ Double.hashCode(b.getLatitudeOrY()) / 4.
+ Double.hashCode(a.getLongitudeOrX()) / 4.
+ Double.hashCode(b.getLongitudeOrX()) / 4.);
long y = Time.getCurrentTime() / Time.SECOND;
Random r1 = new Random(y);
Random r = new Random((long) x + r1.nextLong());
double gaussian = r.nextGaussian();
double sigma = 6.0;
// 58:722.0,456.0
// 1:803.0,599.0
// if (a.getLatitudeOrY() == 456.0 && a.getLongitudeOrX() == 722.0) {
// if (b.getLatitudeOrY() == 599.0 && b.getLongitudeOrX() == 803.0) {
// System.out.println(Time.getFormattedTime() + ": " + gaussian);
// }
// }
double pathLoss = pathLoss0 + gaussian * sigma;
rxc = -this.referenceLoss - pathLoss;
pathlossesA.put(b, rxc);
// random which is constant for a pair of nodes, at a given time;
// links are symmetric
Random r1 = new Random(timeBasedRandomSeed);
Random r = new Random((positionBasedRandomSeed / 3
+ r1.nextLong() / 3 + r1.nextLong() / 3));
// constants: K, mean, sigma
double K = 0;
double mean = Math.sqrt(K / (2 * (K + 1)));
double sigma = Math.sqrt(1 / (2 * (K + 1)));
// gaussian randoms
double x = mean + r.nextGaussian() * sigma;
double y = mean + r.nextGaussian() * sigma;
// h
double h = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
double riceanFading = Math.log10(h);
// total loss of the link
rxc = -referenceLoss - pathLossWithShadowing - riceanFading;
lossAndFadings.put(b, rxc);
return txPowerDbm + rxc;
* Calculates watt to dBm.
* @param w
* The watt, which should be calculated to dBm.
* @return The given watt as dBm.
public static double wToDbm(double w) {
double mw = w * 1000.0;
return Math.log10(mw) * 10.0;
public static double dbmToW(double dbm) {
double mw = Math.pow(10.0, dbm / 10.0);
return mw / 1000.0;
public void setFrequency(long frequency) {
this.frequency = frequency;
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