> **IMPORTANT!** The colors of each segment reflect the status *per* characteristic not the global status of this segment. If a segment is overloaded the text "overload" is shown.
This module allows to add transmission models to each segment of the map to accommodate different behaviors of wireless network transmission technologies. It enables the developer to define different models for **Latency**, **Bandwidth** and **Drop Rate** (called *characteristics*), for **Upload** and **Download** and for every **Segment**.
Whenever one of the characteristic for a client is requested every other characteristic is evaluated to check if one of them is overloaded such that no connection is possible. The thresholds for the overload are defined in [`FiveGTopologyDatabase.Entry`](https://dev.kom.e-technik.tu-darmstadt.de/gitlab/simonstrator/simonstrator-peerfactsim/blob/nr/monitoring-model/src/de/tud/kom/p2psim/impl/topology/views/fiveg/ModelBasedSegmentDatabase.java#L182)
## Configuration / Setup
The models are enabled by changing the `Database` of the `FiveGTopologyView` to `ModelBasedSegmentDatabase`. For a minimal config the `ModelBasedSegmentDatabase` needs at least a model for each characteristic. Therefore, the models are passed to the database. Each model has its specific defaults described [here](#models). In addition to that every model has parameters for `direction` (*UPLOAD*, *DOWNLOAD* or **BOTH**), `parameterType` (*BANDWIDTH*, *LATENCY* and *DROPRATE*), `segmentID` (to which segmentID this model is applied - **-1** means that it is applied to every segment) and debug (TRUE or **FALSE**). **Bold** values mark the defaults.
## Examples
> **IMPORTANT!** For every characteristic there needs to be one and *only one* default model.
### General Setup
Here the general setup for the model based segments is shown. The models are placed inside the database element.
Every segment has 300 kBit/s upload bandwidth and 10 kBit/s download bandwidth with a constant model. The latency of every segment is equal for up- and download and is based on a logarithmic model with $`a=3`$, $`b=10`$, $`c=-5`$ and $`d=-10`$. A default exponential model is applied on the latency. At last there is a cut-off model for the bandwidth for the segment with the ID `123`. It also shows the debug graph.