* This class is meant to be used with the RealWorldStreetsMovement
* and allows changes of the movement type and the used {@link ITransitionStrategy} mid-simulation
* on a per-host basis. It acts like the {@link ModularMovementModel}, but each of the {@link SimLocationActuator}s
* can have a different movement type and {@link ITransitionStrategy}. All routes and targets will be
* calculated accordingly. <BR><BR>
* Originally the whole movement system within the simonstrator platform was not intended to be manipulable
* by an application since only overlays were implemented which in a real world would reside on handheld devices
* for example and should therefore not be able to manipulate the movement of the node/user.
* But demand changed and for some systems it is inevitable to be able to control/influence the movement. Therefore
* this class was created to fill the gap and provide access to the movement from outside the internal system.
* So, since the movement of a person in real life could not be controlled by anyone but the person itself,
* the access to this class is only provided from the simrunner project since it is responsible for the simulation
* of the "real-life" parts of the simonstrator platform. From within this project you have access to the
* {@link de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology.DefaultTopologyComponent} from where you can access this movement model.
* If you want to use different movement types, all you have to do is
* (besides selecting this model in your config) call the {@link #setMovementType(SimLocationActuator, String)}
* for each of your components.<BR>
* The used {@link ITransitionStrategy} can be changed on runtime, too. However, the first
* TransitionStrategy specified in the config will be used as default, and will be applied if there is
* no further strategy specified for a specific host. To use multiple strategies, add them to your
* config just as the first one. To set a specific strategy for a specific host, call the {@link #setTransitionForComponent(SimLocationActuator, Class)}
* with the second parameter being the class of the transition strategy you want to use.
* NOTE: All the movement types you are using need to be specified in you config for the
* {@link RealWorldStreetsMovement}. E.g if you are using 'car' and 'foot' movement types,
* in you config the MovementType for the {@link RealWorldStreetsMovement} should be specified as 'car,foot'.
* If not done properly there won't be an error, but the movement behaviour will be strange.
Monitor.log(ModularMultiTypeMovementModel.class,Monitor.Level.DEBUG,String.format("Client %s changed his transition strategy from %s to %s",ms.getHost().getId().toString(),usedStrategy.getClass(),newStrategy.getClass()));
* Returns a list of points representing the current route of the component. Points are
assertradius>0:"An area radius must be specified for the RandomInAreaTransitionStrategy! Did you set the 'DefaultRadius' property for this transition?";