Commit 71a42791 authored by Björn Richerzhagen's avatar Björn Richerzhagen
Browse files

Merge branch 'nr/master-debug' into 'master'

Merge nr/master-debug into master

Added MaxPeerCountChurnGenerator. A churn model what follows a predefined "trace" that states how many nodes should be in the network. Nodes may be used for multiple times, thus overlays have to ensure to handle such events. The csv file must highlight the time when a churn should start, the length of the churn (used to calculate the inter arrival rate of nodes), and the number of nodes that is to be achieved. 

See merge request !26
parents bbc87f64 2e06a817
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ public class CSVBasedChurnModel implements ChurnModel {
if (parts.length == 4) {
try {
String groupID = parts[0].replaceAll("\\s+","");
int a = DefaultConfigurator.parseNumber("20m", Integer.class);
// int a = DefaultConfigurator.parseNumber("20m", Integer.class);
long startTime = DefaultConfigurator.parseNumber(parts[1].replaceAll("\\s+",""), Long.class);
long endTime = DefaultConfigurator.parseNumber(parts[2].replaceAll("\\s+",""), Long.class);
long duration = DefaultConfigurator.parseNumber(parts[3].replaceAll("\\s+",""), Long.class);
......@@ -322,14 +322,7 @@ public class CSVBasedChurnModel implements ChurnModel {
public long getStartTime(){
return startTime;
// /**
// * Returns if this churn interval stands for an online interval
// * @return
// */
// public boolean isOnline(){
// return;
// }
* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 KOM – Multimedia Communications Lab
* This file is part of PeerfactSim.KOM.
* PeerfactSim.KOM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* PeerfactSim.KOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PeerfactSim.KOM. If not, see <>.
package de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.churn;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.common.SimHost;
import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.scenario.DefaultConfigurator;
import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.simengine.Simulator;
import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.util.toolkits.CollectionHelpers;
import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.util.toolkits.Predicates;
import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Event;
import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.EventHandler;
import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Time;
import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.component.GlobalComponent;
import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.util.XMLConfigurableConstructor;
* ChurnModel that follows a defined "trace" in a csv file. The trace must
* consist of the following parameters per line:
* startTime, intervalLength numberOfClients
* startTime - the time when the specified number of nodes is to be set.
* intervalLength - the time in which the specified number of nodes (startTime)
* must be achieved by the model. Those two together also form the inter
* join/leaving rate.
* numberOfClients - the number of clients to be achieved.
* The model checks for a minimum intervalLength of 10 minutes.
* @author Nils Richerzhagen
* @version 1.0, Nov 24, 2015
public class MaxPeerCountChurnGenerator
implements EventHandler, GlobalComponent {
private static final int _PeerCountEvent = 1001;
private static final int _CHURN_START = 1002;
private static final int _CHURN_EVENT = 1003;
private static final int _CHURN_NOCHURN_HOSTS = 1004;
private final String commentsDelimiter = "#";
private final String SEP = ",";
private final long _minBurstLength = 10 * Time.MINUTE;
private final int maxNumberOfNodes;
* {@link ChurnInfo} from the csv file.
private LinkedList<ChurnInfo> churnInfos = new LinkedList<ChurnInfo>();
private PriorityQueue<HostSessionInfo> onlineHostsSortedByOnlineTime;
private PriorityQueue<HostSessionInfo> offlineHostsSortedByOfflineTime;
* Comparator used to sort client infos by offline time
private static final Comparator<HostSessionInfo> COMP_TIME = new Comparator<MaxPeerCountChurnGenerator.HostSessionInfo>() {
public int compare(HostSessionInfo o1, HostSessionInfo o2) {
return ((Long) o1.timestamp).compareTo(o2.timestamp);
@XMLConfigurableConstructor({ "file", "maxNumberOfNodes"})
public MaxPeerCountChurnGenerator(String file, int maxNumberOfNodes) {
this.maxNumberOfNodes = maxNumberOfNodes;
* Called by the configurator.
* @param churnStart
public void setChurnStart(long churnStart) {
// Event.scheduleWithDelay(churnStart, this, null, _CHURN_START);
Event.scheduleImmediately(this, null, _CHURN_START);
public void initialize() {
for (ChurnInfo churnInfo : churnInfos) {
Event.scheduleWithDelay(churnInfo.getStartTime(), this, churnInfo,
* Start adapting on new churn rate, when next churnInfo is valid.
private void configureMaxPeerCount(ChurnInfo currentChurnInfo) {
long currentTime = Simulator.getCurrentTime();
assert currentChurnInfo
.getStartTime() == currentTime : "The ChurnInfo to use is scheduled for the exact time, thus it should be the same.";
* Wanted number > current number. --> need nodes = go online
if (currentChurnInfo
.getNumberOfClients() >= onlineHostsSortedByOnlineTime.size()) {
int count = currentChurnInfo.getNumberOfClients()
- onlineHostsSortedByOnlineTime.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
* Schedule the required number of hosts for going online
* churnEvent. Get oldest entry in sortedOffline list and put
* online.
HostSessionInfo hostSessionInfo = offlineHostsSortedByOfflineTime
assert hostSessionInfo != null : "HostSessionInfo shouldn't be null - means to few hosts were configured.";
ChurnEvent churnEvent = new ChurnEvent(,
long currentJoin = i
* (currentChurnInfo.getBurstLength() / count);
Event.scheduleWithDelay(currentJoin, this, churnEvent,
* Wanted number < currentNumber --> remove nodes = goOffline
else if (currentChurnInfo
.getNumberOfClients() < onlineHostsSortedByOnlineTime.size()) {
int count = onlineHostsSortedByOnlineTime.size()
- currentChurnInfo.getNumberOfClients();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
* Schedule the required number of hosts for going offline
* churnEvent. Get oldest entry in sortedOnline list and put
* offline.
HostSessionInfo hostSessionInfo = onlineHostsSortedByOnlineTime
assert hostSessionInfo != null : "HostSessionInfo shouldn't be null - means no hosts were online.";
ChurnEvent churnEvent = new ChurnEvent(,
long currentLeave = i
* (currentChurnInfo.getBurstLength() / count);
Event.scheduleWithDelay(currentLeave, this, churnEvent,
} else {
throw new AssertionError();
public void eventOccurred(Object content, int type) {
if (type == _PeerCountEvent) {
ChurnInfo churnInfo = (ChurnInfo) content;
} else if (type == _CHURN_EVENT) {
long currentTime = Simulator.getCurrentTime();
ChurnEvent churnEvent = (ChurnEvent) content;
SimNetworkComponent net =;
if (churnEvent.goOnline) {
for (SimNetInterface netI : net.getSimNetworkInterfaces()) {
if (netI.isOffline()) {
.add(new HostSessionInfo(, currentTime));
} else {
for (SimNetInterface netI : net.getSimNetworkInterfaces()) {
if (netI.isOnline()) {
.add(new HostSessionInfo(, currentTime));
} else if (type == _CHURN_START) {
List<SimHost> hosts = new ArrayList<SimHost>(this.filterHosts());
offlineHostsSortedByOfflineTime = new PriorityQueue<HostSessionInfo>(
(int) Math.ceil(hosts.size() / 10.0), COMP_TIME);
onlineHostsSortedByOnlineTime = new PriorityQueue<HostSessionInfo>(
(int) Math.ceil(hosts.size() / 10.0), COMP_TIME);
long currentTime = Simulator.getCurrentTime();
for (SimHost host : hosts) {
.add(new HostSessionInfo(host, currentTime));
} else if (type == _CHURN_NOCHURN_HOSTS) {
// Send no-churn-hosts online immediately
List<SimHost> nochurnhosts = (List<SimHost>) content;
for (SimHost host : nochurnhosts) {
for (SimNetInterface netI : host.getNetworkComponent()
.getSimNetworkInterfaces()) {
if (netI.isOffline()) {
* Send hosts offline! Should be used to start with churnHosts in offline
* state.
* @param hosts
private void prepare(List<SimHost> hosts) {
for (SimHost host : hosts) {
for (SimNetInterface netI : host.getNetworkComponent()
.getSimNetworkInterfaces()) {
if (netI.isOnline()) {
* Gets all hosts and takes all churn affected hosts. Schedules the non
* affected host to go online immediately.
* @return
private List<SimHost> filterHosts() {
List<SimHost> tmp = GlobalOracle.getHosts();
List<SimHost> filteredHosts = new LinkedList<SimHost>();
CollectionHelpers.filter(tmp, filteredHosts,
List<SimHost> noChurn = new LinkedList<SimHost>();
Event.scheduleImmediately(this, noChurn, _CHURN_NOCHURN_HOSTS);
return filteredHosts;
* Reads the file given by the configuration and parses the churn events.
* @param filename
private void parseTrace(String filename) {
System.out.println("Reading trace from " + filename);
* This parser works for the following csv file structure.
* startTime, intervalLength numberOfClients
BufferedReader csv = null;
boolean entrySuccessfullyRead = false;
try {
csv = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
long previousEndTime = 0;
while (csv.ready()) {
String line = csv.readLine();
if (line.length() == 0 || line.startsWith(commentsDelimiter))
if (line.indexOf(SEP) > -1) {
String[] parts = line.split(SEP);
if (parts.length == 3) {
try {
long startTime = DefaultConfigurator.parseNumber(
parts[0].replaceAll("\\s+", ""),
long burstLength = DefaultConfigurator.parseNumber(
parts[1].replaceAll("\\s+", ""),
int numberOfClients = DefaultConfigurator
parts[2].replaceAll("\\s+", ""),
// Insanity Checks
assert startTime >= previousEndTime : "Start time for next fluctuation must be greater than previous end time.";
assert burstLength >= _minBurstLength : "The minimal length of the burst must be at least 10m.";
assert numberOfClients > 0: "Number of nodes must be positive.";
assert numberOfClients <= maxNumberOfNodes : "Cannot configure more nodes than configured in configuration.";
previousEndTime = startTime + burstLength;
churnInfos.add(new ChurnInfo(startTime, burstLength,
entrySuccessfullyRead = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Ignore leading comments
if (entrySuccessfullyRead) {
// System.err.println("CSV ParseError " +
// line);
} else {
throw new AssertionError("To many/few columns in CSV.");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Could not open " + filename);
throw new RuntimeException("Could not open " + filename);
} finally {
if (csv != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* @author Nils Richerzhagen
* @version 1.0, Nov 25, 2015
private class HostSessionInfo {
public final SimHost host;
public final long timestamp;
public HostSessionInfo(SimHost host, long timestamp) { = host;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
private class ChurnEvent {
public final SimHost host;
public final boolean goOnline;
ChurnEvent(SimHost host, boolean goOnline) { = host;
this.goOnline = goOnline;
* Churn Info for the fluctuation intervals.
* @author Nils Richerzhagen
private class ChurnInfo {
* The time the burst starts.
private long startTime;
* The time the burst takes.
private long burstLength;
* The max number of nodes that join during that burst.
private int numberOfClients;
public ChurnInfo(long startTime, long burstLength,
int numberOfClients) {
this.startTime = startTime;
this.burstLength = burstLength;
this.numberOfClients = numberOfClients;
public long getStartTime() {
return startTime;
public int getNumberOfClients() {
return numberOfClients;
public long getBurstLength() {
return burstLength;
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