1. 25 Jun, 2016 1 commit
    • Clemens Krug's avatar
      Add local analysing to DRAS / Improvements · 579e065e
      Clemens Krug authored
      + Add local analysing/knowledge (without visualisation currently)
      ~ Fixed some bugs in central analysing which were introduced when converting DRAS to a standalone service.
      + Add README explaining how DRAS works
  2. 16 Jun, 2016 2 commits
    • Clemens Krug's avatar
      Rearrange the Timeout Collections · 23dff8f5
      Clemens Krug authored
      ~ Integrate crater specific TimeoutMap into original TimeoutMap.
      ~ Fix usages of crater specific TimeoutMap in CRATER to use the original TimeoutMap.
      - Delete crater specific TimeoutMaps and corresponding interfaces from monitoring.crater and monitoring.clientserver
      - Delete TimeoutCollections-Package in Peerfact, as there are no usages and the package is a duplicate of the Overlay TimeoutCollections
    • Clemens Krug's avatar
      Change the disaster region analyzing to work with TimeoutPairedList instead of TimeoutMap · a0cb3492
      Clemens Krug authored
      + Add TimeoutPairedList
      ~ Change to usage of this list, because otherwise there could only be one noUMTSLocation per Node, which isn't realistic.
  3. 15 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  4. 14 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  5. 04 Jun, 2016 1 commit
    • Clemens Krug's avatar
      Add possibility of "dead" cells · 3dfacb41
      Clemens Krug authored
      + Cells can be killed/shutdown by using the setConnectivity method on a FiveGTopologyDatabase entry.
      + Add visualisation for "dead" cells
      + Cells can be killed and resurrected by clicking on them in the visualisation.
  6. 10 May, 2016 1 commit
  7. 15 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  8. 13 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  9. 11 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  10. 29 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  11. 24 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  12. 15 Mar, 2016 3 commits
  13. 14 Mar, 2016 2 commits
  14. 22 Feb, 2016 2 commits
  15. 17 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  16. 28 Jan, 2016 2 commits
  17. 20 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  18. 19 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  19. 05 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  20. 16 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  21. 11 Dec, 2015 3 commits
  22. 09 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  23. 04 Dec, 2015 2 commits
  24. 30 Nov, 2015 2 commits
    • Björn Richerzhagen's avatar
      Merge branch 'nr/master-debug' into 'master' · 71a42791
      Björn Richerzhagen authored
      Merge nr/master-debug into master
      Added MaxPeerCountChurnGenerator. A churn model what follows a predefined "trace" that states how many nodes should be in the network. Nodes may be used for multiple times, thus overlays have to ensure to handle such events. The csv file must highlight the time when a churn should start, the length of the churn (used to calculate the inter arrival rate of nodes), and the number of nodes that is to be achieved. 
      See merge request !26
    • Nils Richerzhagen's avatar
      Merge branch 'master' into 'nr/master-debug' · 2e06a817
      Nils Richerzhagen authored
      Fixed stupid bug in 5G-StaticDB configuration
      See merge request !27
  25. 28 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  26. 26 Nov, 2015 5 commits