/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 KOM - Multimedia Communications Lab * * This file is part of PeerfactSim.KOM. * * PeerfactSim.KOM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * PeerfactSim.KOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PeerfactSim.KOM. If not, see . * */ package de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.Arrays; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.component.sensor.location.Location; /** * N-Dimensional Vector containing a Position. Wherever possible, applications * and overlay should only use the {@link Position}-interface to implement their * functionality. * * Just a minor note: if you add functionality, change existing functionality, * or "fix bugs", please comment AND SIGN your changes - you might * (unintentionally) break other people's code! This is a core component within * Peerfact - so each change might have a lot of undesired side effects! * * CHANGELOG * * - 14/08/08 Bjoern Richerzhagen: removed a number of unused, uncommented, and * dubious methods from this class. Fixed the replace-bug (discovered by Nils) * with little overhead. Implemented assertions with assertions - previous * method introduces unwanted overhead outside of development settings. Removed * the dubious equals-tolerance, which violates the hashCode contract. Seriously * guys... * * @author Bjoern Richerzhagen * @version 1.0, 04/25/2011 */ public class PositionVector implements Location { private int dimensions; /** * The private (!) coordinates of this vector. Ensures, that all necessary * transforms can be performed in the getter-methods. */ private double[] values; /** * Create a new Position Vector * * @param dimensions */ public PositionVector(int dimensions) { if (dimensions < 2) { throw new AssertionError("Less than 2 Dimensions make no sense."); } this.dimensions = dimensions; this.values = new double[dimensions]; } /** * Clone a PositionVector * * @param vec */ public PositionVector(PositionVector vec) { this(vec.getDimensions()); for (int i = 0; i < vec.getDimensions(); i++) { setEntry(i, vec.getEntry(i)); } } /** * Convenience Constructor, initializes a Vector with values.length * Dimensions and sets Entries, using the callback setEntry * * @param values */ public PositionVector(double... values) { this(values.length); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { setEntry(i, values[i]); } } /** * Number of Dimensions * * @return */ public final int getDimensions() { return dimensions; } /** * returns the nth position in the coord-Vector, starting with 0 * * @param dim * @return */ public double getEntry(int dim) { return values[dim]; } /** * Saves a new value. Implementations might perform error control or * additional scaling/translation * * @param dim * @param value */ public void setEntry(int dim, double value) { values[dim] = value; } /** * Sets all entries. * * @param values */ public void setEntries(double... values) { assert values.length == dimensions; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { setEntry(i, values[i]); } } /** * Getter for the common X dimension. * * @return value of dimension 0 */ public double getX() { return getEntry(0); } /** * Getter for the common Y dimension. * * @return value of dimension 1 */ public double getY() { return getEntry(1); } /** * Getter for the common Z dimension. * * @return value of dimension 2 */ public double getZ() { return getEntry(2); } /** * Modifies the current positionVector-instace by adding the delta-vector. * Addition is done for each element of the vector. * * @param delta */ public void add(PositionVector delta) { assert dimensions == delta.getDimensions(); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { setEntry(i, getEntry(i) + delta.getEntry(i)); } } /** * Subtract a vector from the given vector * * @param delta */ public void subtract(PositionVector delta) { assert dimensions == delta.getDimensions(); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { setEntry(i, getEntry(i) - delta.getEntry(i)); } } /** * Multiply this vector with a scalar value * * @param multi */ public void multiplyScalar(double multi) { for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { setEntry(i, multi * getEntry(i)); } } /** * Converts this vector to its normalized form (ie. its length is equal to * one) */ public void normalize() { double hyp = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { hyp += getEntry(i) * getEntry(i); } hyp = Math.sqrt(hyp); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { setEntry(i, getEntry(i) / hyp); } } /** * Additive arithmetic. Produces a new vector as result. Current vector is * not changed. If you want the current vector instance to change, you * should use add instead. * * @param delta * @return addition of this vector plus delta vector */ public PositionVector plus(PositionVector delta) { assert dimensions == delta.getDimensions(); PositionVector result = new PositionVector(dimensions); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { result.setEntry(i, this.getEntry(i) + delta.getEntry(i)); } return result; } /** * Subtractive arithmetic. Produces a new vector as result. Current vector * is not changed. If you want the current vector instance to change, you * should use subtract instead. * * @param delta * @return subtraction of this vector minus delta vector */ public PositionVector minus(PositionVector delta) { assert dimensions == delta.getDimensions(); PositionVector result = new PositionVector(dimensions); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { result.setEntry(i, this.getEntry(i) - delta.getEntry(i)); } return result; } @Override public int getTransmissionSize() { return getDimensions() * 8; } /** * Mainly for drawing purposes, Representation of the first two dimensions * as a Point * * @return */ public Point asPoint() { return new Point((int) getEntry(0), (int) getEntry(1)); } /** * Representation of the Vector as a Double-Array * * @return */ public double[] asDoubleArray() { return Arrays.copyOf(values, dimensions); } /** * Cast of 2 or 3-dimensional PositionVector to jts geometry library * coordinates. * * @return 2 or 3 dimensional coordinates */ public Coordinate asCoordinate() { if (dimensions < 2 || dimensions > 3) { throw new AssertionError( "Cast to Coordinate only possible with two or three dimensional PositionVector"); } if (this.dimensions == 2) return new Coordinate(getX(), getY()); else return new Coordinate(getX(), getY(), getZ()); } @Override public String toString() { return "PositionVector " + Arrays.toString(values); } @Override public PositionVector clone() { /* * If you extend Position Vector, make sure to overwrite this method! */ return new PositionVector(this); // use clone constructor } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + dimensions; result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(values); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; PositionVector other = (PositionVector) obj; if (dimensions != other.dimensions) return false; return Arrays.equals(values, other.values); } /** * Change this position vector by dividing each coordinate through the * corresponding coordinate of the multiplicator * * @param divisor */ public void divide(PositionVector divisor) { assert dimensions == divisor.getDimensions(); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { setEntry(i, this.getEntry(i) / divisor.getEntry(i)); } } /** * Change this position vector by multiplying each coordinate with the * corresponding coordinate of the multiplicator * * @param multiplicator */ public void multiply(PositionVector multiplicator) { assert dimensions == multiplicator.getDimensions(); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { setEntry(i, this.getEntry(i) * multiplicator.getEntry(i)); } } /** * Changes the current positionVector to be equal to the passed one. * * @param vector */ public void replace(PositionVector vector) { assert dimensions == vector.getDimensions(); this.values = Arrays.copyOf(vector.values, dimensions); } /** * Returns a new PositionVector that is a copy of the * current position moved into the direction of destination with the given * speed. Does not alter the current position-vector instance. Does not * alter the destination vector instance. * * IFF the speed would lead to us overshooting the destination, we will just * move right onto the destination instead. This prevents oscillations in * movement models. * * FIXME BR: this method signature and purpose is not well defined. As it is * only used in movement models, its functionality might be better * implemented there... * * @param destination * @param speed * @return */ public PositionVector moveStep(PositionVector destination, double speed) { double distance = destination.distanceTo(this); if (distance < speed) { /* * We would overshoot the target. */ return new PositionVector(destination); } PositionVector direction = new PositionVector(destination); direction.subtract(this); direction.normalize(); direction.multiplyScalar(speed); PositionVector newPosition = new PositionVector(this); newPosition.add(direction); return newPosition; } public double getLength() { double sum = 0; for (double val : values) { sum += val * val; } return Math.sqrt(sum); } @Override public void set(Location l) { assert (l instanceof PositionVector); this.replace((PositionVector) l); } @Override public double getLatitude() { /* * TODO this is only a stub, as we do not work on long/lat in the * simulator (yet?) */ return getX(); } @Override public double getLongitude() { /* * TODO this is only a stub, as we do not work on long/lat in the * simulator (yet?) */ return getY(); } @Override public long getAgeOfLocation() { return 0; // always a fresh location } @Override public double distanceTo(Location dest) { if (dest instanceof PositionVector) { PositionVector pv = (PositionVector) dest; if (pv.getDimensions() == getDimensions()) { double dist = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { // faster as Math.pow dist += (pv.getEntry(i) - getEntry(i)) * (pv.getEntry(i) - getEntry(i)); } return Math.sqrt(dist); } else { throw new AssertionError( "Can not compute distance between Vectors of different length!"); } } else { throw new AssertionError("Incompatible Types!"); } } @Override public float bearingTo(Location dest) { if (dest instanceof PositionVector) { PositionVector t = (PositionVector) dest; /* * Calculates the angle using atan2 - this implies that the first * two dimensions in your vector are the plane you are interested * in. */ return (float) Math.atan2(t.getEntry(1) - this.getEntry(1), t.getEntry(0) - this.getEntry(0)); } else { throw new AssertionError( "Can only calculate an Angle on elements of type position vector"); } } }