/* * Copyright(c) 2005-2010 KOM – Multimedia Communications Lab * * This file is part of PeerfactSim.KOM. * * PeerfactSim.KOM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * PeerfactSim.KOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PeerfactSim.KOM. If not, see . * */ package de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.linklayer.mac.wifi; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.common.Position; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.linklayer.mac.MacAddress; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.linklayer.mac.MacLayer; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.views.wifi.phy.PropagationLossModel; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.views.wifi.phy.WifiMode; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.views.wifi.phy.WifiPhy.Standard_802_11; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology.views.wifi.phy.InterferenceHelper; /** * This class is an interface for other implementation of Rate Managers. The * interface will be informed about fails and receives of MAC messages. So it is * possible to implement all available Rate Managers, which use the counting of * failing and receiving of Messages. It is not possible to implement * Rate Managers, which use a modified MAC-Header.
* The {@link IWifiRemoteStation} can be used to store state information for * every station. *

* If a new Rate Manager is implemented, it should be added to the * {@link RateManagerTypes} and in the create method in this class. *


* * This class is based on NS3 (src/wifi/model/wifi-remote-station-manager.cc) by * Mathieu Lacage further extended by Christoph * Muenker. * * @author Christoph Muenker * @version 1.0, 19.02.2013 */ public abstract class AbstractRateManager { /** * Defines the available Rate Managers. */ public enum RateManagerTypes { IDEAL, ARF } /** * Creates a new RateManager. * * @param mac * The Mac which need the RateManager. * @param rateManagerType * The type of the RateManager. * @param standard * The standard which use the MAC. * @return A new RateManager of the type which is requested. It returns * null if the requested Type is not available. */ public static AbstractRateManager createRateManager(Ieee80211AdHocMac mac, RateManagerTypes rateManagerType, Standard_802_11 standard) { if (rateManagerType.equals(RateManagerTypes.IDEAL)) { return new IdealRateManager(standard.getWifiModes(), standard.getDefaultMode(), mac); } else if (rateManagerType.equals(RateManagerTypes.ARF)) { return new ArfRateManager(standard.getWifiModes(), standard.getDefaultMode(), mac); } return null; } /** * A hashMap of information of {@link IWifiRemoteStation}s. To every * {@link MacAddress} will be stored an own {@link IWifiRemoteStation}. */ private Map remoteStations = new HashMap(); /** * The modes are ordered after the dataRate. */ private List modes = new ArrayList(); /** * Should be the BSS Basic Rate Set, for the search of the rate for the * answer message. */ private List basicModes = new ArrayList(); private Ieee80211AdHocMac mac; private WifiMode defaultMode; /** * can be set, if not set, it will be used the defaultMode. */ private WifiMode broadcastDataMode; /** * Abstract Constructor of the {@link AbstractRateManager}. It stores the * given values and sets the basicMode. The basicMode is the defaultMode. * * @param modes * All modes, which should be handled by this Rate Manager. * @param defaultMode * The default {@link WifiMode}. This is normal the lowest * {@link WifiMode} which is handled by this Rate Manager. After * this initialization of this class, the default mode is * additional one of the basicModes. * @param mac * A reference to the MAC, which is owned by this RateManager. */ public AbstractRateManager(List modes, WifiMode defaultMode, Ieee80211AdHocMac mac) { this.mac = mac; this.defaultMode = defaultMode; this.basicModes.add(this.defaultMode); for (WifiMode mode : modes) { this.modes.add(mode); } Collections.sort(modes); } /** * Inform about the failing of an RTS, because the CTS-Timeout is fired. * * @param station * station which not send the CTS back. */ protected abstract void doReportRtsFailed(IWifiRemoteStation station); /** * Inform about the failing of the data, because the ACK-Timeout is fired. * * @param station * station which not send the ACK back. */ protected abstract void doReportDataFailed(IWifiRemoteStation station); /** * Inform about the receiving of the CTS, and so the RTS was OK. * * @param station * station which send the CTS * @param ctsSnr * The signal to noise ratio of the CTS * @param ctsMode * The {@link WifiMode} of the CTS-Message. */ protected abstract void doReportRtsOk(IWifiRemoteStation station, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode); /** * Inform about the receiving of the ACK, and so the Data was OK. * * @param station * station which send the ACK * @param ackSnr * The signal to noise ratio of the ACK * @param ackMode * The {@link WifiMode} of the ACK-Message. */ protected abstract void doReportDataOk(IWifiRemoteStation station, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode); /** * Inform about the failing of the RTS, and this was the last retry. * * @param station * The station which not react to the RTS. */ protected abstract void doReportFinalRtsFailed(IWifiRemoteStation station); /** * Inform about the failing of the Data, and this was the last retry. * * @param station * The station which not received the data after x tries. * */ protected abstract void doReportFinalDataFailed(IWifiRemoteStation station); /** * Inform about the receiving of an RTS or Data. * * @param station * The station which send the RTS or the data * @param rxSnr * The signal to noise ration of the sender * @param txMode * The tx {@link WifiMode} of the sender. */ protected abstract void doReportRxOk(IWifiRemoteStation station, double rxSnr, WifiMode txMode); /** * Create the own {@link IWifiRemoteStation}. * * @param address * The identifier of the station * @return The new created {@link IWifiRemoteStation}. */ protected abstract IWifiRemoteStation doCreateWifiRemoteStation( MacAddress address); /** * Returns the {@link WifiMode} for a unicast transfer in depending of the * given station. * * @param station * The receiver of the unicast transfer * @return The {@link WifiMode} for the unicast transfer to the given * station. */ protected abstract WifiMode doGetUnicastDataMode(IWifiRemoteStation station); /** * Returns the {@link WifiMode} for the RTS-Message in depending of the * given station. * * @param station * The receiver of the RTS-Message. * @return The {@link WifiMode} for the RTS-Message to the given station. */ protected abstract WifiMode doGetRtsMode(IWifiRemoteStation station); /** * Should be invoked whenever the RTS is failed. */ final public void reportRtsFailed(MacAddress address) { IWifiRemoteStation station = getStation(address); doReportRtsFailed(station); } /** * Should be invoked whenever the Data transmission failed! */ final public void reportDataFailed(MacAddress address) { IWifiRemoteStation station = getStation(address); doReportDataFailed(station); } /** * Should be invoked whenever we receive the CTS associated to an RTS we * just sent. */ final public void reportRtsOk(MacAddress address, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode) { IWifiRemoteStation station = getStation(address); doReportRtsOk(station, ctsSnr, ctsMode); } /** * Should be invoked whenever we receive the Ack associated to a data packet * we just sent.
*/ final public void reportDataOk(MacAddress address, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode) { IWifiRemoteStation station = getStation(address); doReportDataOk(station, ackSnr, ackMode); } /** * Should be invoked after calling ReportRtsFailed if no RTS should be more * resent. */ final public void reportFinalRtsFailed(MacAddress address) { IWifiRemoteStation station = getStation(address); doReportFinalRtsFailed(station); } /** * Should be invoked after calling ReportDataFailed if no resent of the data * packet should be executed. */ final public void reportFinalDataFailed(MacAddress address) { IWifiRemoteStation station = getStation(address); doReportFinalDataFailed(station); } /** * * Should be invoked whenever a packet is successfully received. * * * @param address * remote address * @param rxSnr * the snr of the packet received * @param txMode * the transmission mode used for the packet received. */ final public void reportRxOk(MacAddress address, double rxSnr, WifiMode txMode) { IWifiRemoteStation station = getStation(address); doReportRxOk(station, rxSnr, txMode); } /** * Returns a station to the given {@link MacAddress}. It does a lookup in a * hashtable after the {@link IWifiRemoteStation}. If no * {@link IWifiRemoteStation} found, then will be create a new * {@link IWifiRemoteStation}. * * @param address * The {@link MacAddress} to the station. * @return A stored or new {@link IWifiRemoteStation}. */ private IWifiRemoteStation getStation(MacAddress address) { IWifiRemoteStation station = remoteStations.get(address); if (station == null) { station = doCreateWifiRemoteStation(address); remoteStations.put(address, station); } assert station != null : "Station should not be null!"; return station; } /** * Gets the DataMode for a unicast transfer to the given {@link MacAddress}. * The answer is dependent on the used implementation of the RateManager. In * normal case, the answer is {@link WifiMode} from all available Modes. * * @param address * The {@link MacAddress} of the receiver. * @return A {@link WifiMode} from {@link AbstractRateManager#modes}. */ public final WifiMode getUnicastDataMode(MacAddress address) { IWifiRemoteStation station = getStation(address); return doGetUnicastDataMode(station); } /** * Gets {@link WifiMode} for the RTS Message for the given receiver. It is * normal a {@link WifiMode}, which is declared as mandatory. * * * @param address * The {@link MacAddress} of the receiver. * @return The {@link WifiMode} for the RTS Message to the given receiver. */ public final WifiMode getRtsMode(MacAddress address) { IWifiRemoteStation station = getStation(address); return doGetRtsMode(station); } /** * Chose the defaultMode if not an other {@link WifiMode} is declared as * BroadcastMode.
* The BroadcastMode can be set with * {@link AbstractRateManager#setBroadcastDataMode(WifiMode)}. * * @return The {@link WifiMode} for Broadcasts. */ public final WifiMode getBroadcastDataMode() { if (broadcastDataMode == null) { return defaultMode; } return broadcastDataMode; } /** * Gets the {@link WifiMode} for the answer of a RTS Message. For the * calculation of the WifiMode, it is used the algorithm of the IEEE * Standard. * * @param rtsMode * The {@link WifiMode} of the received RTS Message. * @return The {@link WifiMode} for CTS Message. */ public final WifiMode getCtsMode(WifiMode rtsMode) { return getControlAnswerMode(rtsMode); } /** * Gets the {@link WifiMode} for the acknowledgment of the data. For the * calculation of the WifiMode, it is used the algorithm of the IEEE * Standard. * * @param dataMode * The {@link WifiMode} of the received Data. * @return The {@link WifiMode} for the ACK Message. */ public final WifiMode getAckMode(WifiMode dataMode) { return getControlAnswerMode(dataMode); } /* * copied from NS3::WifiRemoteStationManager */ protected WifiMode getControlAnswerMode(WifiMode reqMode) { /** * The standard has relatively unambiguous rules for selecting a control * response rate (the below is quoted from IEEE 802.11-2007, Section * 9.6): * * To allow the transmitting STA to calculate the contents of the * Duration/ID field, a STA responding to a received frame shall * transmit its Control Response frame (either CTS or ACK), other than * the BlockAck control frame, at the highest rate in the * BSSBasicRateSet parameter that is less than or equal to the rate of * the immediately previous frame in the frame exchange sequence (as * defined in 9.12) and that is of the same modulation class (see 9.6.1) * as the received frame... */ WifiMode mode = getDefaultMode(); boolean found = false; // First, search the BSS Basic Rate set for (WifiMode bss : getBSSBasicRateSet()) { if ((!found || bss.getPhyRate() > mode.getPhyRate()) && bss.getPhyRate() <= reqMode.getPhyRate() && bss.getModClass() == reqMode.getModClass()) { mode = bss; // We've found a potentially-suitable transmit rate, but we // need to continue and consider all the basic rates before // we can be sure we've got the right one. found = true; } } // If we found a suitable rate in the BSSBasicRateSet, then we are // done and can return that mode. if (found) { return mode; } /** * If no suitable basic rate was found, we search the mandatory rates. * The standard (IEEE 802.11-2007, Section 9.6) says: * * ...If no rate contained in the BSSBasicRateSet parameter meets these * conditions, then the control frame sent in response to a received * frame shall be transmitted at the highest mandatory rate of the PHY * that is less than or equal to the rate of the received frame, and * that is of the same modulation class as the received frame. In * addition, the Control Response frame shall be sent using the same PHY * options as the received frame, unless they conflict with the * requirement to use the BSSBasicRateSet parameter. * * Note that we're ignoring the last sentence for now, because there is * not yet any manipulation here of PHY options. */ for (WifiMode thismode : modes) { /* * If the rate: * * - is a mandatory rate for the PHY, and - is equal to or faster * than our current best choice, and - is less than or equal to the * rate of the received frame, and - is of the same modulation class * as the received frame * * ...then it's our best choice so far. */ if (thismode.isMandatory() && (!found || thismode.getPhyRate() > mode.getPhyRate()) && thismode.getPhyRate() <= reqMode.getPhyRate() && thismode.getModClass() == reqMode.getModClass()) { mode = thismode; // As above; we've found a potentially-suitable transmit // rate, but we need to continue and consider all the // mandatory rates before we can be sure we've got the right // one. found = true; } } /** * If we still haven't found a suitable rate for the response then * someone has messed up the simulation config. This probably means that * the WifiPhyStandard is not set correctly, or that a rate that is not * supported by the PHY has been explicitly requested in a * WifiRemoteStationManager (or descendant) configuration. * * Either way, it is serious - we can either disobey the standard or * fail, and I have chosen to do the latter... */ assert found : ("Can't find response rate for " + reqMode + ". Check standard and selected rates match."); return mode; } /** * Gets the default Mode. * * @return Returns the default Mode. */ protected WifiMode getDefaultMode() { return defaultMode; } /** * Gets the BSS Basic Rate Set for this Rate Manager. Actually, it is only * the default Mode. * * @return Returns a Set of {@link WifiMode}s. */ protected Set getBSSBasicRateSet() { // TODO: replace this with a BSS Basic Rate Set Set bssbrs = new HashSet(); bssbrs.add(getDefaultMode()); return bssbrs; } /** * Gets the BasicModes. * * @return */ public List getBasicModes() { return basicModes; } /** * Sets the Broadcast {@link WifiMode}. The default {@link WifiMode} is the * defaultMode (the lowest WifiMode of this Rate Manager). *

* A higher BroadcastDataMode is not usually in the real world! * * @param broadcastDataMode * The new {@link WifiMode} for the broadcast. */ public void setBroadcastDataMode(WifiMode broadcastDataMode) { this.broadcastDataMode = broadcastDataMode; } /** * Adds a {@link WifiMode} to the basicModes. It can only added as basic * mode, if it is registered as a normal mode. * * @param mode * The {@link WifiMode} which should be added to the basicModes. */ public void addBasicMode(WifiMode mode) { if (modes.contains(mode)) { if (!basicModes.contains(mode)) { basicModes.add(mode); } } else { throw new AssertionError( "try to add a mode to the basicModes, which is not stored as a common mode"); } } /** * Gets all Modes. * * @return All {@link WifiMode}s for this RateManager. */ protected List getModes() { return modes; } /** * Returns the {@link WifiMode} at place i. If WifiMode i not exists, it * will throws a {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException}. * * @param i * The place of the WifiMode. * @return The {@link WifiMode} at position i. */ protected WifiMode getMode(int i) { return modes.get(i); } /** * Gets the {@link MacLayer} which use this RateManager. * * @return */ public Ieee80211AdHocMac getMac() { return mac; } /** * Calculates the actually SNR between the start antenna and the target * antenna.
* This is only a helper to calculate the SNR in the AdHocMac. */ public double calculateActuallySNR(Position startPosition, Position targetPosition, WifiMode mode, double txPowerDbm) { InterferenceHelper helper = mac.getWifiTopologyView() .getInterferenceHelper(); double noiseInterferenceW = helper .calculateNoiseInterferenceW(targetPosition); double rxPowerDbm = helper.getLossModel().getRxPowerDbm( txPowerDbm + helper.getTxGainDbm(), startPosition, targetPosition) + helper.getRxGainDbm(); return helper.calculateSnr(PropagationLossModel.dbmToW(rxPowerDbm), noiseInterferenceW, mode); } }