/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2010 KOM – Multimedia Communications Lab * * This file is part of PeerfactSim.KOM. * * PeerfactSim.KOM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * PeerfactSim.KOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PeerfactSim.KOM. If not, see . * */ package de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.linklayer.mac.wifi; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.analyzer.LinklayerAnalyzer; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.analyzer.MessageAnalyzer.Reason; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.common.SimHost; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.linklayer.LinkLayerMessage; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.linklayer.mac.Link; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.linklayer.mac.MacAddress; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.linklayer.mac.MacEventInformation; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.linklayer.mac.PhyType; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.network.BandwidthImpl; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.scenario.ConfigurationException; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.views.TopologyView; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.views.wifi.phy.PropagationLossModel; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.views.wifi.phy.WifiMode; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.views.wifi.phy.WifiPhy; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.views.wifi.phy.WifiPhy.Standard_802_11; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.views.wifi.phy.WifiPhy.WifiPreamble; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.linklayer.DefaultLinkMessageEvent; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.linklayer.mac.AbstractMacLayer; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.linklayer.mac.wifi.AbstractRateManager.RateManagerTypes; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.linklayer.mac.wifi.DcfManager.WifiState; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology.util.PositionVector; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology.views.wifi.WifiTopologyView; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.util.LiveMonitoring; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.util.LiveMonitoring.ProgressValue; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Message; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Monitor; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Monitor.Level; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Randoms; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Time; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.component.core.MonitorComponent.AnalyzerNotAvailableException; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.component.sensor.location.Location; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.operation.AbstractOperation; /** * This class implements the IEEE 802.11 MAC for the adHoc case. This is only a * simple implementation of the IEEE 802.11 standard, but has the same behavior.
* It supports the sending of Unicast message with and without RTS- and * CTS-Messages, plus the sending of messages as Broadcasts.
* The sending of RTS-, CTS- and ACK-Messages will be only simulated. This mean, * that we calculate the times, the energy consumption and as interferences, but * we send no message to the other MAC. This has the benefit that we have a * performance boost, but the drawback is, that this messages can not be * dropped.
* Additionally it handle no crypto or SSIDs. It can only exist one Network. * Different channels will be additionally not handled.
* Messages like Beacons are not available and will be not simulated. *

* The sending of the real data will be attended with the * {@link WifiTopologyView}. This is needed to calculate the drop of a * message.So it is important to add the RTS-,CTS-,ACK-Messages as interferences * and the real data as a transfer. Hence, this class works only with the * {@link WifiTopologyView}. *

* Additional the implementation works with a {@link DcfManager}, which will be * manipulated from this class during the sending and receiving of messages. The * DCF-Manager has the task to handle the state of the MAC and to calculate the * BackOffTimerEnd-Time.
* The BackOffTimer can be extended through other events. So we have a the * {@link GetSendSlotOperation} to get a send slot. The send slot will be ready, * if the BackOffTimer is 0. But through the extension of the BackOffTimer, is * the endTime not really fix. So it is possible that the * {@link GetSendSlotOperation} must be called multiple times. This can be a big * drawback, because it produce a many events, which are doing nothing. *


* This class inherit from {@link AbstractMacLayer}, but use few methods from * them. The main reason for the not using of few methods is, that the handling * of the drop is doing in the sender method, but this implementation needed it * in the receiver. *

* NOTE: If after the configuration a parameter is changed, you should * inform the underlay layer about the change. * * @author Christoph Muenker * @version 1.0, 28.02.2013 */ public class Ieee80211AdHocMac extends AbstractMacLayer { /* * For Analyzing */ public static long _wifiBroadcastSent, _wifiUnicastSent, _wifiUnicastRcvd, _wifiBroadcastRcvd, _wifiUnicastDropped, _wifiResent, _wifiBroadcastDropped, _wifiBroadcastDataSent, _wifiBroadcastDataRcvd = 0; public static boolean _analyzersInitialized = false; /** * Size of Frame Check Sequence in Bytes */ protected static int FCS = 4; /** * CTS message size in Bytes */ protected static int CTS_MSG_SIZE = 10 + FCS; // macHeader + FCS /** * RTS message size in Bytes */ protected static int RTS_MSG_SIZE = 16 + FCS; // macHeader + FCS /** * ACK message size in Bytes */ protected static int ACK_MSG_SIZE = 10 + FCS; // macHeader + FCS /** * Maximal Frame size of IEEE 802.11 packet, as specified in * "802.11 Wireless Networks - Definitive Guide" from Matthew Gast * (p.47,53). */ protected static long MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 2304; /** * The {@link WifiTopologyView}, which will be informed about interferences. */ private WifiTopologyView topoView; /** * Stores the corresponding IEEE802.11 standard, which is used by this MAC * to communicate. */ private Standard_802_11 standard_802_11; /** * Counts the retries of the ({@link Ieee80211AdHocMac#toSend}) actually * message. */ private int retryCounter = 0; private DcfManager dcfManager; private AbstractRateManager rateManager; /** * The txPower in watt */ private double txPowerW; /** * The txPower in dBm */ private double txPowerDbm; private Random rand = Randoms.getRandom(Ieee80211AdHocMac.class); /** * The minimum size of the message (with MAC-Header and FCS), at should be * used RTS/CTS for the unicast-message. */ protected long rtsCtsThreshold; /** * The channel number which is used. */ private int channel; private final static IEEE80211DummyACKMessage MSG_DUMMY_ACK = new IEEE80211DummyACKMessage(); private final static IEEE80211DummyCTSMessage MSG_DUMMY_CTS = new IEEE80211DummyCTSMessage(); private final static IEEE80211DummyRTSMessage MSG_DUMMY_RTS = new IEEE80211DummyRTSMessage(); /** * Contains the last acknowledged transmissions. Needed for Broadcasts, to * identify multiple calls. *

* The maximal size of this cache is 10. */ private Map ackCache = new LinkedHashMap( 100, 0.75f, true) { private final static int MAX_SIZE = 10; protected boolean removeEldestEntry( Map.Entry eldest) { return this.size() > MAX_SIZE; } }; // don't change this. WIFI_PREAMBLE_SHORT is not practicable for long // ranges. private WifiPreamble preamble = WifiPreamble.WIFI_PREAMBLE_LONG; /** * The type of the Rate Manager. */ private RateManagerTypes rateManagerType; /** * The message, which is actually transfered. */ private QueueEntry toSend = null; /** * The actually operation, which tries to get a send slot. It is the timer * for the BackoffTimer, but because the backOffTimer can be extended, the * end time is not fix! So this Operation tries to get a slot to send. *

* If no operation is running, this field should be null. So we * know, that a new operation can be started. */ protected GetSendSlotOperation op = null; /** * Creates the Ieee802.11 AdHoc MAC. Sets the given values. The class is not * ready for using. After this should be called the initialize method, to * create the missing components. * * */ public Ieee80211AdHocMac(SimHost host, MacAddress ownMacAddress, PhyType phy, Standard_802_11 standard, int maxQueueLength, long maxTimeInQueue, int maxRetransmissions, BandwidthImpl bandwidth, RateManagerTypes rateManagerType) { super(host, ownMacAddress, phy, maxQueueLength, maxTimeInQueue, maxRetransmissions, bandwidth); this.dcfManager = new DcfManager(this, standard); this.standard_802_11 = standard; this.rateManagerType = rateManagerType; } @Override public void initialize() throws ConfigurationException { super.initialize(); // initialize the LiveMonitoring. if (!_analyzersInitialized) { LiveMonitoring .addProgressValueIfNotThere(new WifiUnicastProgress()); LiveMonitoring .addProgressValueIfNotThere(new WifiBroadcastProgress()); _analyzersInitialized = true; } // TODO: check for WifiTopologyView, otherwise throw // ConfigurationExcpetion topoView = (WifiTopologyView) getTopologyView(); this.rateManager = AbstractRateManager.createRateManager(this, rateManagerType, standard_802_11); if (this.rateManager == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("The RateManager is not set!"); } // TODO check configuration... // is the size of the netlayer acceptable? } @Override protected void handleNewQueueEntry() { if (this.toSend == null) { sendNextMessage(); } } /** * Take the first element from the Queue and starts the sending procedure. * The message, which is to send, will be stored in * {@link Ieee80211AdHocMac#toSend}. Additionally the retryCounter will be * reseted to 0. */ protected void sendNextMessage() { toSend = getQueueHead(); retryCounter = 0; if (toSend != null) { sendMessage(); } } /** * Start the procedure of the sending of the message in * {@link Ieee80211MacMessage#toSend}.
* The message will be insert in a new MAC-Message and then added to an * event info. If a link is not available, the message will be aborted, * otherwise it will be tried to get a SendSlot to transfer the message. */ protected void sendMessage() { if (toSend != null) { /* * Here, we must scrape out the message from the netlayer, because * the surrounding linklayer message does not contain all the * information, which are required for the IEEE80211MacMessage. */ LinkLayerMessage dlm = toSend.getMessage(); Ieee80211MacMessage msg = new Ieee80211MacMessage(dlm.getSender(), dlm.getReceiver(), dlm.getPayload()); WifiMacEventInformation eventInfo = new WifiMacEventInformation( msg, this.getMacAddress(), toSend.getReceiver(), Time.getCurrentTime() - toSend.getTimeEntered()); if (msg.getSize() >= MAX_FRAME_SIZE) { Monitor.log( Ieee80211AdHocMac.class, Level.WARN, "Try to send a Frame, which is to big (" + msg.getSize() + "Byte)! Please check the fragementation size in the Net-Layer. The message will be still send, with the side-effects (for example, higher Bandwidth)"); } if (eventInfo.isBroadcast()) { tryToGetSendSlot(eventInfo); } else { // check for link connected Link link = topoView.getLinkBetween(eventInfo.getSender(), eventInfo.getReceiver()); if (link.isConnected()) { tryToGetSendSlot(eventInfo); } else { messageDropped(DropReason.NO_LINK, msg); sendNextMessage(); } } } else { throw new AssertionError( "sendMessage was called, but no Message exists"); } } /** * Tries to get a send slot. For that, it starts the BackoffTimer in the * {@link DcfManager} and then must be scheduled to the end of the * BackoffTimer. * * @param eventInfo * The {@link MacEventInformation} with the containing * information to the message. */ private void tryToGetSendSlot(MacEventInformation eventInfo) { dcfManager.resetBackoffTimer(); dcfManager.startBackoffTimer(); long tryTime = dcfManager.getBackoffTimeEnd(); if (op == null) { op = new GetSendSlotOperation(this, eventInfo); op.scheduleWithDelay(tryTime - Time.getCurrentTime()); } else { // easy policy to check an failure. If two or more operation // running, then is op not null! throw new AssertionError( "Two or more GetSendSlotOperation are running! This should be not happen, because a station cannot send two or more Frames on the same time!"); } } /** * Executes the sending of the message as a unicast message with RTS/CTS as * prequel. The RTS and CTS Message will be not send as a real message * through the simulator. The RTS and CTS Message will be only simulated as * interferences. It has be shown, that this is important to simulate this * as interferences. Otherwise is the drop rate of other messages low.
* Additionally, the DCF-Manager of the other MACs in the neighborhood will * be manipulated.
* The energy component will be informed about the sending and receiving. *

* If the link is not more connected, then will be dropped the message and a * new Message will be started. If the receiver MAC is not in * {@link WifiState#IDLE}, then we simulate only the RTS-Message. * * @param eventInfo * The message which is to transfer. */ protected void mySendUnicast(WifiMacEventInformation eventInfo) { // Check online state over all possibilities to ensure that the device // is really online assert isOnline(); Link link = topoView.getLinkBetween(eventInfo.getSender(), eventInfo.getReceiver()); Ieee80211AdHocMac recMac = (Ieee80211AdHocMac) topoView .getMac(eventInfo.getReceiver()); // Determine if there is a link for a unicast transmission between the // sender and the receiver if (link.isConnected()) { long current = Time.getCurrentTime(); WifiState recState = recMac.getWifiState(); // Check the state of the receiver and - depending on its state - // start the data transmission or only the transmission of RTS and // CTS if (recState == WifiState.IDLE && recMac.isOnline()) { // determine WifiMode for RTS, CTS, ACK WifiMode rtsMode = rateManager.getRtsMode(recMac .getMacAddress()); WifiMode ctsMode = rateManager.getCtsMode(rtsMode); rateManager.reportRtsOk(recMac.getMacAddress(), rateManager .calculateActuallySNR(recMac.getPosition(), this.getPosition(), ctsMode, txPowerDbm), ctsMode); WifiMode dataMode = rateManager.getUnicastDataMode(recMac .getMacAddress()); WifiMode ackMode = rateManager.getAckMode(dataMode); long rtsDuration = WifiPhy.calculateTxDuration(RTS_MSG_SIZE, rtsMode, preamble); long ctsDuration = WifiPhy.calculateTxDuration(CTS_MSG_SIZE, ctsMode, preamble); long dataDuration = WifiPhy.calculateTxDuration((int) eventInfo .getMessage().getSize(), dataMode, preamble); long ackDuration = WifiPhy.calculateTxDuration(ACK_MSG_SIZE, ackMode, preamble); eventInfo.setTransmissionDuration(dataDuration); eventInfo.setAckDuration(ackDuration); eventInfo.setAckMode(ackMode); eventInfo.setMode(dataMode); long startRts = current; long startCts = startRts + rtsDuration + getSifs(); long startData = startCts + ctsDuration + getSifs(); long duration = rtsDuration + getSifs() + ctsDuration + getSifs() + dataDuration + getSifs() + ackDuration; // update DCF-Managers this.getDcfManager().notifyTxNow(duration); recMac.getDcfManager().notifyRxNow(duration); // Sender Neighbors only with CTS Timeout. If no CTS is // received, then will be stopped the NAV-Timer. // This is the update for the received RTS-Message updateNeighborsNavTimer( getTopologyView().getNeighbors(eventInfo.getSender()), getDcfManager().getCtsTimeout()); // this the CTS-NAV update. updateNeighborsNavTimer( getTopologyView().getNeighbors(eventInfo.getReceiver()), duration); // Inform InterferenceHelper about Data Transfer topoView.addTransfer(startData, startData + dataDuration, this.getPosition(), this.getTxPowerDdm(), eventInfo.getMessage(), dataMode, preamble, this.getHost(), getMacAddress()); topoView.addInterference(startRts, current + rtsDuration, this.getPosition(), this.getTxPowerDdm(), rtsMode, this.getMacAddress()); topoView.addInterference(startCts, startCts + ctsDuration, recMac.getPosition(), recMac.getTxPowerDdm(), ctsMode, recMac.getMacAddress()); /* * This case represents a complete transmission of data * including (i) the sending of a RTS, (ii) the receiving of a * CTS, (iii) the sending and receiving of CTS, (iv) the * transmission of data, and (v) the receiving of the ack. */ // (i) send the RTS this.getEnergyComponent().send(rtsDuration, MSG_DUMMY_RTS, false); _linkMsgEvent(MSG_DUMMY_RTS, getHost(), Reason.SEND); // (ii) Iterate over all listening devices in the communication // range, which receive the RTS for (MacAddress address : getTopologyView().getNeighbors( eventInfo.getSender())) { Ieee80211AdHocMac rtsRecMac = (Ieee80211AdHocMac) getTopologyView() .getMac(address); if (rtsRecMac.isOnline() && (rtsRecMac.getWifiState() == WifiState.IDLE)) { rtsRecMac.getEnergyComponent().receive(rtsDuration, MSG_DUMMY_RTS, false, true); _linkMsgEvent(MSG_DUMMY_RTS, rtsRecMac.getHost(), Reason.RECEIVE); } } // (iiia) The intended receiver sends the CTS recMac.getEnergyComponent().send(ctsDuration, MSG_DUMMY_CTS, false); _linkMsgEvent(MSG_DUMMY_CTS, recMac.getHost(), Reason.SEND); // (iiib) The sender receives the CTS this.getEnergyComponent().receive(ctsDuration, MSG_DUMMY_CTS, false, true); _linkMsgEvent(MSG_DUMMY_CTS, getHost(), Reason.RECEIVE); // (iv) The transmission of the actual data this.getEnergyComponent().send(dataDuration, eventInfo.getMessage(), false); // schedule receiving of the message scheduleReceive(recMac, eventInfo, (startData + dataDuration) - current, false); _linkMsgEvent(eventInfo.getMessage(), getHost(), Reason.SEND); currentBandwidth.outgoingTransmission(eventInfo.getMessage() .getSize()); _wifiUnicastSent++; } else { // Start the NAV-Timer. If no CTS is received, then will be // stopped after CTS-Timeout. updateNeighborsNavTimer( getTopologyView().getNeighbors(eventInfo.getSender()), getDcfManager().getCtsTimeout()); rateManager.reportRtsFailed(recMac.getMacAddress()); /* * Energy for (i) sending and (ii) receiving RTS */ // (i) Send the RTS message WifiMode rtsMode = rateManager.getRtsMode(recMac .getMacAddress()); long rtsDuration = WifiPhy.calculateTxDuration(RTS_MSG_SIZE, rtsMode, preamble); this.getEnergyComponent().send(rtsDuration, MSG_DUMMY_RTS, false); _linkMsgEvent(MSG_DUMMY_RTS, getHost(), Reason.SEND); // (ii) Iterate over all listening devices in the communication // range, which receive the RTS message for (MacAddress address : getTopologyView().getNeighbors( eventInfo.getSender())) { Ieee80211AdHocMac rtsRecMac = (Ieee80211AdHocMac) getTopologyView() .getMac(address); if (rtsRecMac.isOnline() && (rtsRecMac.getWifiState() == WifiState.IDLE)) { rtsRecMac.getEnergyComponent().receive(rtsDuration, MSG_DUMMY_RTS, false, true); _linkMsgEvent(MSG_DUMMY_RTS, rtsRecMac.getHost(), Reason.RECEIVE); } } topoView.addInterference(current, current + rtsDuration, this.getPosition(), this.getTxPowerDdm(), rtsMode, this.getMacAddress()); // try again after CTS Timeout dcfManager.notifiyCTSTimeout(); unsuccessfulTransmitted(eventInfo); } } else { messageDropped(DropReason.NO_LINK, eventInfo.getMessage()); sendNextMessage(); } } /** * Updates for all neighbors the NAV-Timer. * * @param neighbors * A list of MacAddresses, which should be updated. * @param duration * The duration of the NAV. */ private void updateNeighborsNavTimer(List neighbors, long duration) { for (MacAddress address : neighbors) { // If in Idle, NAV or CCA, it is possible to update the // NAV Timer. Ieee80211AdHocMac navMac = (Ieee80211AdHocMac) getTopologyView() .getMac(address); WifiState navMacState = navMac.getWifiState(); if (navMacState != WifiState.TX && navMacState != WifiState.RX) { navMac.getDcfManager().notifyNavNow(duration); } } } /** * * Executes the sending of the message as a unicast message without RTS/CTS * as prequel. Additionally, the DCF-Manager of the other MACs in the * neighborhood will be manipulated.
* The energy component will be informed about the sending and receiving. *

* If the link is not more connected, then will be dropped the message and a * new Message will be started. * * @param eventInfo * The message, which should be send. */ protected void mySendUnicastWithoutRtsCts(WifiMacEventInformation eventInfo) { // Check online state over all possibilities to ensure that the device // is really online assert isOnline(); Link link = topoView.getLinkBetween(eventInfo.getSender(), eventInfo.getReceiver()); Ieee80211AdHocMac recMac = (Ieee80211AdHocMac) topoView .getMac(eventInfo.getReceiver()); if (link.isConnected()) { WifiState recMacState = recMac.getWifiState(); WifiMode dataMode = rateManager.getUnicastDataMode(recMac .getMacAddress()); WifiMode ackMode = rateManager.getAckMode(dataMode); long current = Time.getCurrentTime(); long dataDuration = WifiPhy.calculateTxDuration((int) eventInfo .getMessage().getSize(), dataMode, preamble); long ackDuration = WifiPhy.calculateTxDuration(ACK_MSG_SIZE, ackMode, preamble); eventInfo.setTransmissionDuration(dataDuration); eventInfo.setAckDuration(ackDuration); eventInfo.setAckMode(ackMode); eventInfo.setMode(dataMode); long startData = current; long duration = dataDuration + getSifs() + ackDuration; // Inform InterferenceHelper about Data Transfer topoView.addTransfer(startData, startData + dataDuration, this.getPosition(), getTxPowerDdm(), eventInfo.getMessage(), dataMode, preamble, this.getHost(), getMacAddress()); // Energy for sending Data. this.getEnergyComponent().send(dataDuration, eventInfo.getMessage(), false); _linkMsgEvent(eventInfo.getMessage(), getHost(), Reason.SEND); currentBandwidth.outgoingTransmission(eventInfo.getMessage() .getSize()); this.getDcfManager().notifyTxNow(duration); updateNeighborsNavTimer( getTopologyView().getNeighbors(eventInfo.getSender()), duration); // schedule receive if (recMacState != WifiState.TX && recMacState != WifiState.RX && recMac.isOnline()) { recMac.getDcfManager().notifyRxNow(duration); scheduleReceive(recMac, eventInfo, (startData + dataDuration) - current, false); } else { // schedule with drop, because receiver is not listen. scheduleReceive(recMac, eventInfo, (startData + dataDuration) - current, true); } _wifiUnicastSent++; } else { messageDropped(DropReason.NO_LINK, eventInfo.getMessage()); sendNextMessage(); } } /** * Gets a copy of the real position of this host. * * Clone ONLY here. * * @return The position of this host. */ private PositionVector getPosition() { return this.getHost().getTopologyComponent().getRealPosition().clone(); } /** * Gets the SIFS (Short Interframe Spacing) of the {@link DcfManager} back. * * @return The SIFS of the {@link DcfManager}. */ private long getSifs() { return dcfManager.getSifs(); } /** * Executes the sending of the message as a broadcast message.
* All neighbors will be informed about the receiving of this message. * Neighbors, which are in {@link WifiState#TX} or {@link WifiState#RX} * receive the message as a drop (The neighbor will have a higher SNR during * the sending of this broadcast).Additionally, the DCF-Manager of the other * MACs in the neighborhood will be manipulated.
* The energy component will be informed about the sending and receiving. * *

* After this sending, this MAC will be informed about a successful * transmit, because a new sending procedure with a new message from the * queue must be started. * * @param eventInfo * The message which should be send as a broadcast. */ protected void mySendBroadcast(WifiMacEventInformation eventInfo) { // Check online state over all possibilities to ensure that the device // is really online assert isOnline(); WifiMode dataMode = rateManager.getBroadcastDataMode(); long duration = WifiPhy.calculateTxDuration((int) eventInfo .getMessage().getSize(), dataMode, preamble); eventInfo.setTransmissionDuration(duration); eventInfo.setAckDuration(0); eventInfo.setAckMode(null); eventInfo.setMode(dataMode); long startData = Time.getCurrentTime(); long endData = startData + duration; // update DCF-Managers this.getDcfManager().notifyTxNow(duration); for (MacAddress address : getTopologyView().getNeighbors( eventInfo.getSender())) { Ieee80211AdHocMac recMac = (Ieee80211AdHocMac) getTopologyView() .getMac(address); // If it is not in RX, TX and online then it is possible to receive // this message. In case NAV it is possible that exist more // interferences and the Messages will be dropped. WifiState recMacState = recMac.getWifiState(); if (recMacState != WifiState.TX && recMacState != WifiState.RX && recMac.isOnline()) { recMac.getDcfManager().notifyRxNow(duration); // schedule receive scheduleReceive(recMac, eventInfo, duration, false); } else { // schedule with drop, because receiver is not listen. scheduleReceive(recMac, eventInfo, duration, true); } } // Inform InterferenceHelper about Data Transfer topoView.addTransfer(startData, endData, this.getPosition(), getTxPowerDdm(), eventInfo.getMessage(), dataMode, preamble, this.getHost(), getMacAddress()); getEnergyComponent().send(duration, eventInfo.getMessage(), true); this.successfulTransmitted(eventInfo); _linkMsgEvent(eventInfo.getMessage(), getHost(), Reason.SEND); currentBandwidth.outgoingTransmission(eventInfo.getMessage().getSize()); _wifiBroadcastSent++; _wifiBroadcastDataSent += eventInfo.getMessage().getSize(); } /** * Gets the DCF Manager. * * @return The {@link DcfManager} of this MAC. */ public DcfManager getDcfManager() { return dcfManager; } @Override protected void handleReceivedMessage(MacEventInformation eventInfo) { // Check online state over all possibilities to ensure that the device // is really online assert isOnline(); Message msg = eventInfo.getMessage(); WifiMacEventInformation wifiEventInfo = (WifiMacEventInformation) eventInfo; Ieee80211AdHocMac senderMac = (Ieee80211AdHocMac) topoView .getMac(eventInfo.getSender()); boolean successful; if (checkCollision()) { // we send and receive to the same time. But we cannot receive the // message, because the tx-power is to strong and will be destroy // the rx-signal. // So we know, that the receiving is unsuccessful! successful = false; this.dcfManager.increaseCw(); // if the sender is in collision, then will be dropped the // receiving, but the sending is successful. He has no chance to // detect the rx-signal. } else { double per = topoView.calculatePer(msg, getPosition()); successful = rand.nextDouble() > per; // Energy for receive this.getEnergyComponent().receive( wifiEventInfo.getTransmissionDuration(), msg, eventInfo.isBroadcast(), true); } if (successful) { notifyLinkLayer(new DefaultLinkMessageEvent( (LinkLayerMessage) eventInfo.getMessage(), getPhyType(), eventInfo.getSender(), eventInfo.isBroadcast())); senderMac.successfulTransmitted(eventInfo); // inform rateManager about the snr of the received packet double snr = rateManager.calculateActuallySNR( senderMac.getPosition(), this.getPosition(), wifiEventInfo.getMode(), txPowerDbm); rateManager.reportRxOk(senderMac.getMacAddress(), snr, wifiEventInfo.getMode()); // Energy for Ack and add the ACK message as interference. if (!eventInfo.isBroadcast()) { long current = Time.getCurrentTime(); long ackDuration = wifiEventInfo.getAckDuration(); long startInterference = current + getSifs(); topoView.addInterference(startInterference, startInterference + ackDuration, this.getPosition(), this.getTxPowerDdm(), wifiEventInfo.getAckMode(), this.getMacAddress()); // Simulate the sending of an ACK-message this.getEnergyComponent().send(ackDuration, MSG_DUMMY_ACK, false); _linkMsgEvent(MSG_DUMMY_ACK, getHost(), Reason.SEND); // Simulate the reception of an ACK-message if (senderMac.isOnline() && (senderMac.getWifiState() == WifiState.IDLE)) { senderMac.getEnergyComponent().receive(ackDuration, MSG_DUMMY_ACK, false, true); _linkMsgEvent(MSG_DUMMY_ACK, senderMac.getHost(), Reason.RECEIVE); } } } else { // inform dcfManager for drop this.dcfManager.notifyRxDrop(); senderMac.unsuccessfulTransmitted(eventInfo); } } /** * Checks the start time of RX and TX-States of the {@link DcfManager}. If * both times the same, then we know that we have a collision.
* This works only, if no propagation delay is used! * * @return true if the RX and TX StartTime is the same, * otherwise false. */ private boolean checkCollision() { long txStartTime = this.getDcfManager().getTxStartTime(); long rxStartTime = this.getDcfManager().getRxStartTime(); return txStartTime == rxStartTime; } @Override protected void handleEvent(Object data, int type) { if ((type == MESSAGE_RECEIVED && !isOnline()) || type == MESSAGE_DROPPED) { if (data instanceof MacEventInformation) { MacEventInformation eventInfo = (MacEventInformation) data; Ieee80211AdHocMac senderMac = (Ieee80211AdHocMac) topoView .getMac(eventInfo.getSender()); senderMac.unsuccessfulTransmitted(eventInfo); } } } /** * If a message is successful transmitted, then should be called this method * of the sender MAC. In the broader sense, it is for the handling of the * ACK-Message
* The Contention Window of the DCF-Manager will be reseted. The next * message will be triggered and the rate manager will be informed about the * correct receiving of the message. * * @param eventInfo * The message which is successfully transmitted with all meta * information. */ protected void successfulTransmitted(MacEventInformation eventInfo) { // for progress display if (eventInfo.isBroadcast() && ackCache.containsKey(eventInfo)) { _wifiBroadcastRcvd++; _wifiBroadcastDataRcvd += eventInfo.getMessage().getSize(); } if (!eventInfo.isBroadcast() && !ackCache.containsKey(eventInfo)) { _wifiUnicastRcvd++; } // reset the CW, because the message was successful transmitted this.dcfManager.resetCw(); // this check is used to handle broadcasts, because it can called // several times... if (!ackCache.containsKey(eventInfo)) { sendNextMessage(); reportDataOk(eventInfo); ackCache.put(eventInfo, null); } } /** * Inform the RateManager about the successful transmission of the data.
* It will be only informed, if the message was not a broadcast. * * @param eventInfo * The message which is successfully transmitted with all meta * information. */ private void reportDataOk(MacEventInformation eventInfo) { if (!eventInfo.isBroadcast()) { WifiMacEventInformation eInfo = (WifiMacEventInformation) eventInfo; // startPosition is from receiver (because ack come from this!) Location startPosition = ((Ieee80211AdHocMac) topoView .getMac(eventInfo.getReceiver())).getPosition(); Location targetPosition = this.getPosition(); double ackSnr = rateManager.calculateActuallySNR(startPosition, targetPosition, eInfo.getAckMode(), txPowerDbm); rateManager.reportDataOk(eventInfo.getReceiver(), ackSnr, eInfo.getAckMode()); } } /** * If a message is unsuccessful transmitted, then should be called this * method of the sender MAC. In the broader sense, it is for the handling * for the missing ACK-Message
* The Contention Window of the DCF-Manager will be increased. The * retryCounter will be increased and if the maximal retransmission is not * reached, it will be start to send the same message again. Additionally * the rate manager will be informed about the failing of the data * transmission. * * @param eventInfo * The message which is unsuccessfully transmitted with all meta * information. */ protected void unsuccessfulTransmitted(MacEventInformation eventInfo) { if (!ackCache.containsKey(eventInfo)) { if (!eventInfo.isBroadcast()) { this.retryCounter++; this.dcfManager.increaseCw(); if (retryCounter <= getMaxRetransmissions()) { this.sendMessage(); rateManager.reportDataFailed(eventInfo.getReceiver()); _wifiResent++; } else { this.messageDropped(DropReason.LINK_DROP, eventInfo.getMessage()); this.sendNextMessage(); rateManager.reportFinalDataFailed(eventInfo.getReceiver()); _wifiUnicastDropped++; } } else { // for broadcasts, to start a new send message. // should be never called, because mySendBroadcast call // successfulTrasmitted. this.sendNextMessage(); } // to handle broadcasts, because multiple calls of successful or // unsuccessful is possible ackCache.put(eventInfo, null); } if (eventInfo.isBroadcast()) { _wifiBroadcastDropped++; } } /** * Gets the actually {@link WifiState} of this MAC. * * @return Returns the actually {@link WifiState} from the * {@link DcfManager}. */ public WifiState getWifiState() { return this.dcfManager.getWifiState(); } /** * Gets the TX Power in watt. * * @return The tx Power in watt. */ public double getTxPowerW() { return txPowerW; } /** * Gets the TX Power in dBm. * * @return The tx Power in dBm. */ public double getTxPowerDdm() { return txPowerDbm; } /** * Sets the TX Power in dBm and in watt. * * @param txPowerDbm * The TX power in dBm. */ public void setTxPowerDbm(double txPowerDbm) { this.txPowerDbm = txPowerDbm; this.txPowerW = PropagationLossModel.dbmToW(txPowerDbm); } /** * Sets the RTS/CTS Threshold. * * @param rtsCtsThreshold * The new RTS/CTS Threshold. */ public void setRtsCtsThreshold(long rtsCtsThreshold) { this.rtsCtsThreshold = rtsCtsThreshold; } /** * Inform the DCF-Manager about a higher noise on the medium or rather, the * channel is not clear. * * @param duration * The duration of this noise. */ public void notifyCarrierSense(long duration) { this.dcfManager.notifyCcaNow(duration); } /** * Gets the unerlaying {@link WifiTopologyView}. * * @return The {@link WifiTopologyView}. */ public WifiTopologyView getWifiTopologyView() { return topoView; } /** * The used {@link Standard_802_11} from this MAC. * */ public Standard_802_11 getStandard_802_11() { return standard_802_11; } /** * Sets the channel which should be used. This should be called before the * MAC is added to the {@link TopologyView}. Changes after this will be * ignored. * * @param channel * The channel number */ public void setChannel(int channel) { this.channel = channel; } /** * Gets the used channel. * * @return The used channelnumber. */ public int getChannel() { return this.channel; } /** * Gets the used frequency in Hz. It is dependent of the channel. * * @return The used frequency. */ public long getFrequency() { long basicFrequency = standard_802_11.getBasicFrequency(); long channelBandwidth = 5000000l; // 5MHz; long frequency = basicFrequency + this.channel * channelBandwidth; return frequency; } /** * This Operation tries to get a Send Slot. It is started, after the * BackoffTimer is started. If the event for the execution is fired, then * will be checked if the BackOffTimer is 0. If it 0, then will be started * the transfer of the message. If it is not 0, then will be created a new * SendSlotOperation and new scheduled to the time of BackOffTimerEnd. * * @author Christoph Muenker * @version 1.0, 28.02.2013 */ private class GetSendSlotOperation extends AbstractOperation { private MacEventInformation eventInfo; protected GetSendSlotOperation(Ieee80211AdHocMac mac, MacEventInformation eventInfo) { super(mac); this.eventInfo = eventInfo; } @Override protected void execute() { getComponent().op = null; if (!getComponent().isOnline()) { Monitor.log( Ieee80211AdHocMac.class, Level.WARN, Time.getFormattedTime() + " node " + eventInfo.getSender() + " wanted to get a slot to send but was already offline."); return; } boolean ignoreWifiState = getComponent().getDcfManager() .isIgnoreWifiState(); long backOffTimeEnd = getComponent().getDcfManager() .getBackoffTimeEnd(); long current = Time.getCurrentTime(); if (backOffTimeEnd == current) { // Theory: MAC must be in an Idle State, if the backOffTimeEnd // == current! // The flag ignoreWifiState is useful to create collisions, // because the backOffTime is 0 for multiple MACs, but the // wifiState was changed from an other MAC. if (ignoreWifiState || getComponent().getWifiState() == WifiState.IDLE) { WifiMacEventInformation wifiEventInfo = (WifiMacEventInformation) eventInfo; if (eventInfo.isBroadcast()) { getComponent().mySendBroadcast(wifiEventInfo); } else { if ((eventInfo.getMessage().getSize() + getComponent().FCS) < getComponent().rtsCtsThreshold) { getComponent().mySendUnicastWithoutRtsCts( wifiEventInfo); } else { getComponent().mySendUnicast(wifiEventInfo); } } } else { /* * FIXME is this a valid state? */ getComponent().sendMessage(); throw new AssertionError( "Why is the Mac not in an Idle State? " + getComponent().getWifiState() + " " + (getComponent().getDcfManager() .getTimeToIdleState())); } } else { if (backOffTimeEnd < current) { throw new AssertionError( "How can the backOffTimeEnd be smaller than the current time? "); } else { op = new GetSendSlotOperation(getComponent(), eventInfo); op.scheduleWithDelay(backOffTimeEnd - Time.getCurrentTime()); } } this.operationFinished(true); } @Override public Void getResult() { return null; } } /** * The {@link ProgressValue} for the sending of unicast messages. It shows * the number of sent, received, dropped and resent messages. * * @author Christoph Muenker * @version 1.0, 28.02.2013 */ public class WifiUnicastProgress implements ProgressValue { @Override public String getName() { return "WiFi Unicast (Sent/Rcvd/Dropped/Resent)"; } @Override public String getValue() { return String.format("WiFi Unicast (%10d/%10d/%10d/%10d)", _wifiUnicastSent, _wifiUnicastRcvd, _wifiUnicastDropped, _wifiResent); } } /** * The {@link ProgressValue} for the sending of broadcasts messages. It * shows the number of sent, received and dropped messages. Additionally it * shows the traffic, which is generated of successfully transmitted * broadcasts. * * @author Christoph Muenker * @version 1.0, 28.02.2013 */ public class WifiBroadcastProgress implements ProgressValue { @Override public String getName() { return "WiFi Broadcast (Sent/Rcvd/Dropped); Traffic (Sent/Rcvd)"; } @Override public String getValue() { return String.format( "WiFi Broadcast (%10d/%10d/%10d); Traffic (%5s/%5s)", _wifiBroadcastSent, _wifiBroadcastRcvd, _wifiBroadcastDropped, readableFileSize(_wifiBroadcastDataSent), readableFileSize(_wifiBroadcastDataRcvd)); } } /** * Helper to create readable file sizes up to TB. * * @param size * The size in Byte. * @return A human readable String for the size. */ public static String readableFileSize(long size) { if (size <= 0) return "0"; final String[] units = new String[] { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" }; int digitGroups = (int) (Math.log10(size) / Math.log10(1024)); return new DecimalFormat("#,##0.#").format(size / Math.pow(1024, digitGroups)) + " " + units[digitGroups]; } private static boolean _linkAnalyzerInitialized = false; private static LinklayerAnalyzer _linkAnalyzer = null; protected static void _linkMsgEvent(LinkLayerMessage msg, SimHost host, Reason reason) { if (!_linkAnalyzerInitialized) { try { _linkAnalyzer = Monitor.get(LinklayerAnalyzer.class); } catch (AnalyzerNotAvailableException e) { _linkAnalyzer = null; } _linkAnalyzerInitialized = true; } if (_linkAnalyzerInitialized && _linkAnalyzer != null) { _linkAnalyzer.linkMsgEvent(msg, host, reason); } } }