/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2010 KOM – Multimedia Communications Lab * * This file is part of PeerfactSim.KOM. * * PeerfactSim.KOM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * PeerfactSim.KOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PeerfactSim.KOM. If not, see . * */ package de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology.movement.modularosm.transition; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.common.SimHost; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.common.SimHostComponent; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.scenario.ConfigurationException; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.Topology; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.movement.SimLocationActuator; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.social.SocialView; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.simengine.Simulator; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology.movement.modularosm.transition.ITransitionStrategy.AttractionAssignmentListener; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology.util.PositionVector; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Binder; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Event; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.EventHandler; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Randoms; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.component.sensor.location.AttractionPoint; /** * This is a {@link TransitionStrategy} for the Social Case. It will be try to * build groups based on the {@link SocialView} information. For this, it tries * to assignment the given objects to the given {@link AttractionPoint}s. For * the {@link SocialView}, it is required a {@link #socialId}, to find the right * {@link SocialView}. * *
* * The Strategy has the parameter of {@link #socialFactor}, * {@link #minPauseTime} and {@link #maxPauseTime}. The socialFactor should be a * value between 0 and 1. It gives the probability for a social based transition * or the transition to a random {@link AttractionPoint}. If the social based * transition is selected, then will be used a scoring to find the right * {@link AttractionPoint}. For that, it will be used only the AttractionPoints, * of the hosts, which are in the same SocialCluster or are SocialNeighbors. For * this AttractionPoints it will be find the highest scoring, which is to found * in score. . * *
* * After the finding of the next {@link AttractionPoint}, it will be scheduled * an Event, with a delay between min- and maxPauseTime. After this delay, it * will be tried to assign a new {@link AttractionPoint} like the described * above. * * * @author Christoph Muenker * @version 1.0, 02.07.2013 */ public class SocialTransitionStrategy implements ITransitionStrategy, EventHandler { private String socialId = null; private SocialView socialView; private List comps = new Vector(); private LinkedHashSet aPoints = new LinkedHashSet(); private Map assignments = new HashMap(); private Set arrivedAtAttractionPoint = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private Map> favoritePlaces = new HashMap>(); private Map mapMsHost = new HashMap(); private Map mapHostMs = new HashMap(); private List listeners = new LinkedList<>(); private double minPauseTime = Simulator.MINUTE_UNIT * 0.5; private double maxPauseTime = Simulator.MINUTE_UNIT * 100; private double socialFactor = 0.8; private long numberOfFavoritePlaces = 4; private Random rand; private PositionVector worldDimension; private boolean init = false; public SocialTransitionStrategy() { this.rand = Randoms.getRandom(SocialTransitionStrategy.class); } private void init() { if (!init) { if (socialId == null) { throw new ConfigurationException( "SocialId is not set, to find the needed SocialView!"); } socialView = Binder.getComponentOrNull(Topology.class) .getSocialView(socialId); if (socialView == null) { throw new ConfigurationException( "Cannot find the right socialView. Is the socialId correct?"); } if (minPauseTime > maxPauseTime) { throw new ConfigurationException( "MinPauseTime should be smaller then maxPauseTime."); } worldDimension = Binder.getComponentOrNull(Topology.class) .getWorldDimensions(); init = true; } } public void setSocialId(String socialId) { this.socialId = socialId; } @Override public AttractionPoint getAssignment(SimLocationActuator comp) { return assignments.get(comp); } @Override public void addAttractionAssignmentListener( AttractionAssignmentListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } @Override public void removeAttractionAssignmentListener( AttractionAssignmentListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } @Override public void setAttractionPoints(Collection attractionPoints) { init(); aPoints.addAll(attractionPoints); } @Override public Set getAllAttractionPoints() { return aPoints; } @Override public void addComponent(SimLocationActuator ms) { comps.add(ms); mappingHost(ms); // assign the ms to an attractionPoint, which is near to the ms // position. // TODO: needed? We do Transition as next, and this will delete the // assignment.. AttractionPoint nearest = aPoints.iterator().next(); for (AttractionPoint aPoint : aPoints) { if (nearest.distanceTo(ms.getRealPosition()) > aPoint .distanceTo(ms.getRealPosition())) { nearest = aPoint; } } assignments.put(ms, nearest); assignFavoritePlaces(ms); doTransition(ms); } @Override public void updateTargetAttractionPoint(SimLocationActuator comp, AttractionPoint attractionPoint) { arrivedAtAttractionPoint.remove(comp); assignments.put(comp, attractionPoint); listeners.forEach(listener -> listener.updatedAttractionAssignment(comp, attractionPoint)); } @Override public void reachedAttractionPoint(SimLocationActuator ms) { if (!arrivedAtAttractionPoint.contains(ms)) { Event.scheduleWithDelay(getPauseTime(), this, ms, 0); arrivedAtAttractionPoint.add(ms); } } public void doTransition(SimLocationActuator ms) { List apFavorites = getFavoritePlaces(ms); List apFriends = getFriendsPlaces(ms); List apClusters = getClusterPlaces(ms); List apRandom = getRandomPlaces(ms, (int) Math.max(aPoints.size() * 0.2, 5)); AttractionPoint ap = null; if (rand.nextDouble() < socialFactor) { ap = findHighestScore(ms, apFavorites, apFriends, apClusters, apRandom); } else { List aps = new ArrayList(); aps.addAll(apRandom); aps.addAll(apFavorites); ap = aps.get(rand.nextInt(apRandom.size())); } assignments.put(ms, ap); arrivedAtAttractionPoint.remove(ms); for (AttractionAssignmentListener listener : listeners) { listener.updatedAttractionAssignment(ms, ap); } } private AttractionPoint findHighestScore(SimLocationActuator ms, List apFavorites, List apFriends, List apClusters, List apRandom) { Set aps = new LinkedHashSet(); aps.addAll(apFavorites); aps.addAll(apFriends); aps.addAll(apClusters); aps.addAll(apRandom); double maxScore = 0; AttractionPoint maxAp = null; for (AttractionPoint ap : aps) { double score = score(ms, ap, apFavorites, apFriends, apClusters, apRandom); // System.out.println(score); if (score > maxScore) { maxScore = score; maxAp = ap; } } return maxAp; } /** * Score the given AttractionPoint for the given SimLocationActuator.
* (clusterScore/#NodesInAp + friendsScore + 1/#NodesInAp) * socialFactor + * (distanceScore + penalty) + (1-socialFactor)
* * clusterScore = 1 if one is in the same cluster in this AP
* friendsScore = 1 if one friend is in the same AP
* penalty = -1 if AP the actually AP is
* distance = 1 - (distance / maxDistance) * * @param ms * @param ap * @param apFavorites * @param apFriends * @param apClusters * @param apRandom * @return */ private double score(SimLocationActuator ms, AttractionPoint ap, List apFavorites, List apFriends, List apClusters, List apRandom) { double distance = ms.getRealPosition().distanceTo(ap); double distanceScore = 1 - (distance / worldDimension.getLength()); double clusterScore = 0; double friendsScore = 0; if (apClusters.contains(ap)) { if (occurence(ap, apClusters) > 3) { // occurence give the number of other peers in this AP clusterScore = 1.0 / (occurence(ap, apClusters) - 1); } else { clusterScore = 1.0; } } if (apFriends.contains(ap)) { if (occurence(ap, apFriends) > 3) { // occurence give the number of other peers in this AP friendsScore = 1.0 / (occurence(ap, apFriends) - 1); } else { friendsScore = 1.0; } } // penalty for distance double penalty = 0; if (ap.equals(assignments.get(ms))) { penalty = -1; } return (clusterScore / assignedToAp(ap) + friendsScore + 1.0 / assignedToAp(ap)) * socialFactor + (distanceScore + penalty) * (1 - socialFactor); } // counts the number of the AttractionPoint in the list private int occurence(AttractionPoint ap, List aps) { int i = 0; for (AttractionPoint a : aps) { if (a.equals(ap)) { i++; } } return i; } private int assignedToAp(AttractionPoint ap) { int i = 1; for (Entry entry : assignments .entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals(ap)) { i++; } } return i; } private List getRandomPlaces(SimLocationActuator ms, int number) { List result = new Vector(aPoints); Collections.shuffle(result, rand); return result.subList(0, Math.min(result.size(), number)); } private List getClusterPlaces(SimLocationActuator ms) { List result = new Vector(); SimHost msHost = mapMsHost.get(ms); for (SimHost host : socialView.getCluster(msHost)) { SimLocationActuator temp = mapHostMs.get(host); if (assignments.get(temp) != null) { result.add(assignments.get(temp)); } } return result; } private List getFriendsPlaces(SimLocationActuator ms) { List result = new Vector(); SimHost msHost = mapMsHost.get(ms); for (SimHost host : socialView.getNeighbors(msHost)) { SimLocationActuator temp = mapHostMs.get(host); if (assignments.get(temp) != null) { result.add(assignments.get(temp)); } } return result; } private List getFavoritePlaces(SimLocationActuator ms) { return new Vector(favoritePlaces.get(ms)); } private void assignFavoritePlaces(SimLocationActuator ms) { Set msFavoritePlaces = new LinkedHashSet(); LinkedList temp = new LinkedList( aPoints); Collections.shuffle(temp, rand); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFavoritePlaces; i++) { if (!temp.isEmpty()) { msFavoritePlaces.add(temp.removeFirst()); } } favoritePlaces.put(ms, msFavoritePlaces); } private void mappingHost(SimLocationActuator ms) { SimHostComponent comp = (SimHostComponent) ms; SimHost host = comp.getHost(); assert host != null; mapHostMs.put(host, ms); mapMsHost.put(ms, host); } protected long getPauseTime() { return (long) ((rand.nextDouble() * (maxPauseTime - minPauseTime)) + minPauseTime); } public void setMinPauseTime(long minPauseTime) { if (minPauseTime < 0) { throw new ConfigurationException( "MinPauseTime should be bigger then 0!"); } this.minPauseTime = minPauseTime; } public void setMaxPauseTime(long maxPauseTime) { if (maxPauseTime < 0) { throw new ConfigurationException( "MaxPauseTime should be bigger then 0!"); } this.maxPauseTime = maxPauseTime; } @Override public void eventOccurred(Object se, int type) { if (arrivedAtAttractionPoint.contains(se)) { doTransition((SimLocationActuator) se); } } public void setSocialFactor(double socialFactor) { if (socialFactor < 0 || socialFactor > 1) { throw new ConfigurationException( "socialFactor should be between 0 and 1!"); } this.socialFactor = socialFactor; } }