/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2010 KOM – Multimedia Communications Lab * * This file is part of PeerfactSim.KOM. * * PeerfactSim.KOM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * PeerfactSim.KOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PeerfactSim.KOM. If not, see . * */ package de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology.movement.aerial; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.In; import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D; import org.joda.time.tz.ZoneInfoProvider; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.api.topology.movement.UAVMovementModel; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.energy.components.StatelessMotorComponent; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology.component.UAVTopologyComponent; import de.tud.kom.p2psim.impl.topology.util.PositionVector; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.Time; import de.tudarmstadt.maki.simonstrator.api.uavsupport.callbacks.ReachedLocationCallback; /** * Local movement logic specifically designs the movement for multicopter UAVs. * This simple movement logic uses straight forward movement with the maximum speed available. * * @author Julian Zobel * @version 1.0, 11.09.2018 */ public class SimpleMulticopterMovement implements UAVMovementModel { private UAVTopologyComponent topologyComponent; private double currentAngleOfAttack; private double currentSpeed; private double targetedSpeed; private LinkedList route = new LinkedList<>(); private Map locationCallbacks = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // TODO callback interface private StatelessMotorComponent motor; private double mass = 1.465; // kg private final double airdensity = 1.2255; // kg/m^3 private final double gravity = 9.807; // m/s^2 private double A_top = 0.245; // m^2 private double A_front = 0.04; // m^2 private double dragCoefficient = 0.5; private double maxPitchAngle = Math.toRadians(45); // 45° max angle private double descentVelocityMax = 5; // m/s private double maxTurnAngle = Math.toRadians(90); // 90° per second turn angle // FIXME remove only for testing private static boolean first = true; public SimpleMulticopterMovement(UAVTopologyComponent topologyComponent) { this.topologyComponent = topologyComponent; } @Override public void move(long timeBetweenMovementOperations) { if(first) { System.out.println("***MOVEMENT MODEL****"); System.out.println("Hover thrust: " + hoverThrustRequired() + "N"); System.out.println("Maximum thrust: " + motor.getMaxThrust() + "N"); System.out.println("Vertical ascension: " + verticalAscentMaxAcceleration() + " m/s^2 >> max velocity" + verticalAscentMaxVelocity() + " m/s at maximum thrust"); System.out.println("Horizontal Flight: " + horizontalMaxVelocityRequiredTotalThrust() + " N >> max velocity" + horizontalMaxVelocity() + " m/s @ 45° pitch angle, minimum velocity " + this.minimumHorizontalVelocity() + " m/s @ 0.25° pitch angle"); System.out.println("************"); for (int i = (int) Math.ceil(minimumHorizontalVelocity()); i <= horizontalMaxVelocity(); i++) { double est = estimatePowerConsumption(i); System.out.println(" v = " + i + " m/s ==> estimated power consumption = " + est + " J/s"); System.out.println("=== === === === === ==="); } System.out.println(" v = " + horizontalMaxVelocity() + " m/s ==> estimated power consumption = " + estimatePowerConsumption(horizontalMaxVelocity()) + " J/s"); System.out.println("=== === === === === ==="); first = false; } if(motor.isOn() && !route.isEmpty()) { PositionVector position = new PositionVector(topologyComponent.getRealPosition()); PositionVector target = route.getFirst(); double distanceToTargetPosition = position.distanceTo(target); // If target point is reached within a 1 meter margin, we remove that point from the list if(distanceToTargetPosition < 0.1 || distanceToTargetPosition < currentSpeed) { target = route.removeFirst(); if(route.isEmpty()) { topologyComponent.updateCurrentLocation(target.clone()); currentSpeed = 0; motor.requestThrust(hoverThrustRequired()); PositionVector direction = topologyComponent.getCurrentDirection().clone(); direction.setEntry(2, 0); topologyComponent.updateCurrentDirection(direction); locationReached(topologyComponent.getCurrentLocation()); return; } else { motor.requestThrust(horizontalMaxVelocityRequiredTotalThrust()); currentSpeed = horizontalMaxVelocity(); long timeUntilReachedLocation = (long) (distanceToTargetPosition / currentSpeed) * Time.SECOND; target = route.getFirst(); PositionVector directionToTarget = new PositionVector(target); directionToTarget.subtract(position); double timefactor = timeUntilReachedLocation / Time.SECOND; directionToTarget.normalize(); topologyComponent.updateCurrentDirection(directionToTarget.clone()); directionToTarget.multiplyScalar(currentSpeed * timefactor); PositionVector newPosition = new PositionVector(position); newPosition.add(directionToTarget); topologyComponent.updateCurrentLocation(newPosition); if(timeUntilReachedLocation < timeBetweenMovementOperations) { this.move(timeBetweenMovementOperations - timeUntilReachedLocation); } } } else { double timefactor = timeBetweenMovementOperations / Time.SECOND; motor.requestThrust(horizontalMaxVelocityRequiredTotalThrust()); currentSpeed = horizontalMaxVelocity(); PositionVector directionToTarget = new PositionVector(target); directionToTarget.subtract(position); directionToTarget.normalize(); if(directionToTarget.getX() != 0 || directionToTarget.getY() != 0) { topologyComponent.updateCurrentDirection(directionToTarget.clone()); } directionToTarget.multiplyScalar(currentSpeed * timefactor); PositionVector newPosition = new PositionVector(position); newPosition.add(directionToTarget); topologyComponent.updateCurrentLocation(newPosition); } } } /* * */ public double verticalDescentMaxThrust() { // m * g - 0.5 * p * C * A * v^2 return hoverThrustRequired() - 0.5 * bodyDrag(0, new PositionVector(0,0,1)) * descentVelocityMax * descentVelocityMax; } public double verticalAscentMaxAcceleration() { return (motor.getMaxThrust() - hoverThrustRequired()) / mass; } public double verticalAscentMaxVelocity() { double maxThrust = motor.getMaxThrust(); return Math.sqrt(2.0 * (maxThrust - hoverThrustRequired()) / bodyDrag(0, new PositionVector(0,0,1))); } public double hoverThrustRequired() { return mass * gravity; } public double horizontalMaxVelocity() { double horizontalThrust = horizontalComponentMaxThrust(); double maxVelocity = Math.sqrt( (2.0 * horizontalThrust) / bodyDrag(maxPitchAngle, new PositionVector(1,0,0))); return maxVelocity; } public double horizontalComponentMaxThrust() { // hoverthrust / cos => amount of thrust in horizonal direction with °angle double stableAltitudeMaximumTotalThrust = horizontalMaxVelocityRequiredTotalThrust(); // fraction of total thrust in horizonal (forward) direction with °angle double maximumHorizontalThrustStableAltitude = stableAltitudeMaximumTotalThrust * Math.sin(maxPitchAngle); return maximumHorizontalThrustStableAltitude; } public double horizontalMaxVelocityRequiredTotalThrust() { return hoverThrustRequired() / Math.cos(maxPitchAngle); } public double bodyDrag(double angleRadians, PositionVector direction) { return airdensity * dragCoefficient * areaExposedToDrag(angleRadians, direction); } public double areaExposedToDrag(double angleRadians, PositionVector direction) { Vector2D v = new Vector2D(Math.abs(direction.getX()) + Math.abs(direction.getY()), Math.abs(direction.getZ())); v = v.normalize(); double areaExposedFront = v.getX() * (Math.sin(angleRadians) * A_top + Math.cos(angleRadians) * A_front); double areaExposedTop = v.getY() * (Math.cos(angleRadians) * A_top + Math.sin(angleRadians) * A_front); return areaExposedFront + areaExposedTop; } /* * F_drag [N] = 0.5 * p * C_drag * A * v^2 */ public double currentDrag() { return 0.5 * bodyDrag(currentAngleOfAttack, topologyComponent.getCurrentDirection()) * currentSpeed * currentSpeed; } /** * Calculate the drag induced on the UAV with a given velocity and an angle of attack (in radians) moving forward horizontally. * * @param velocity * @param angleInRadians * @return */ private double forwardDrag(double velocity, double angleInRadians) { return 0.5 * bodyDrag(angleInRadians, new PositionVector(1,0,0)) * velocity * velocity; } /* * */ @Override public void setMotorControl(StatelessMotorComponent motor) { this.motor = motor; } @Override public void setPreferredSpeed(double v_pref) { this.targetedSpeed = v_pref; } @Override public double getCurrentSpeed() { return currentSpeed; } /** * Trigger the callback function, if there is a valid callback * * @param position */ private void locationReached(PositionVector position) { if(locationCallbacks.containsKey(position)) { locationCallbacks.get(position).reachedLocation(); } } @Override public void setTargetLocation(PositionVector target, ReachedLocationCallback reachedLocationCallback) { route.clear(); route.add(target); if(reachedLocationCallback != null) locationCallbacks.put(target, reachedLocationCallback); } @Override public void setTargetLocationRoute(LinkedList route, ReachedLocationCallback reachedLocationCallback) { this.route.clear(); this.route.addAll(route); if(reachedLocationCallback != null) locationCallbacks.put(route.getLast(), reachedLocationCallback); } @Override public void addTargetLocation(PositionVector target, ReachedLocationCallback reachedLocationCallback) { route.add(target); if(reachedLocationCallback != null) locationCallbacks.put(target, reachedLocationCallback); } @Override public LinkedList getTargetLocations() { LinkedList copy = new LinkedList<>(); for (PositionVector pv : route) { copy.add(pv.clone()); } return copy; } @Override public void removeTargetLocations() { route.clear(); locationCallbacks.clear(); } @Override public double minimumVelocity() { return 0; } public double minimumHorizontalVelocity() { return Math.sqrt(2 * hoverThrustRequired() * Math.tan(Math.toRadians(0.25)) / bodyDrag(Math.toRadians(0.25), new PositionVector(1,0,0))); } @Override public double estimatePowerConsumption(double velocity) { if(velocity == 0) { return motor.estimatePowerConsumptionWatt(hoverThrustRequired()); } else if(velocity > horizontalMaxVelocity()) { return -1; } else if(velocity < minimumHorizontalVelocity()) { return -1; } else { System.out.println("==========================="); double estimateAngle = estimatePitchAngleForVelocity(velocity); double estimatedDrag = forwardDrag(velocity, estimateAngle); double requiredThrust = Math.sqrt(hoverThrustRequired() * hoverThrustRequired() + estimatedDrag * estimatedDrag); double wattage = motor.estimatePowerConsumptionWatt(requiredThrust); System.out.println("Motor requires " + wattage + " J/s at velocity " + velocity + " (Thrust: " + requiredThrust + " N, angle = " + Math.toDegrees(estimateAngle) + ", drag = "+ estimatedDrag+" N )"); return wattage; } } /** * Estimate the pitch angle (angle of attack) required to get the target velocity. * Angle precision is 1/4 degree. * * @param velocity * @return */ private double estimatePitchAngleForVelocity(double velocity) { int low = 0; int high = Integer.MAX_VALUE; double vsquared = (velocity * velocity); for(int i = 0; i <= ((int) Math.toDegrees(maxPitchAngle)); i++) { double v2 = 2 * hoverThrustRequired() * Math.tan(Math.toRadians(i)) / bodyDrag(Math.toRadians(i), new PositionVector(1,0,0)); if(v2 > vsquared && i < high) { high = i; } else if(v2 < vsquared && i >= low) { low = i; } else if(v2 == vsquared ) { return Math.toRadians(i); } } if(high < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { double lo = low; double hi = high; double nearest = -1; double nearestDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE; double step = (hi - lo) / 4; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { double d = lo + i * step; double v2 = 2 * hoverThrustRequired() * Math.tan(Math.toRadians(d)) / bodyDrag(Math.toRadians(d), new PositionVector(1,0,0)); double diff = Math.abs(((velocity * velocity) - v2)); if(diff < nearestDiff || (lo == 0 && i == 1)) { nearestDiff = diff; nearest = d; } } double n = Math.sqrt(2 * hoverThrustRequired() * Math.tan(Math.toRadians(nearest)) / bodyDrag(Math.toRadians(nearest), new PositionVector(1,0,0))); System.out.println("target velocity = " + velocity + " m/s ==> AoA = " + nearest + "° // v_max = " + n + " m/s"); return Math.toRadians(nearest); } return maxPitchAngle; } }