Commit d251b7dc authored by Julian Zobel's avatar Julian Zobel
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parent d3c9857a
......@@ -479,9 +479,8 @@ public class SimpleMulticopterMovement implements UAVMovementModel {
double n = Math.sqrt(2 * hoverThrustRequired() * Math.tan(Math.toRadians(nearest)) / bodyDrag(Math.toRadians(nearest), new PositionVector(1,0,0)));
System.out.println("target velocity = " + velocity + " m/s ==> AoA = " + nearest + "° // v_max = " + n + " m/s");
//System.out.println("target velocity = " + velocity + " m/s ==> AoA = " + nearest + "° // v_max = " + n + " m/s");
return Math.toRadians(nearest);
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